Version: 1.1.1

Uses of Class

Packages that use MobyNamespace
ca.ucalgary.seahawk.gui Seahawk is a graphical MOBY client that can be used standalone, or easily embedded in another Java application.   
org.biomoby.client The components used for developing Moby clients. 
org.biomoby.shared It contains components that are used from more than one (other) packages. The package allows you to easily build MOBY data instances for sending to services, or querying the registry. 

Uses of MobyNamespace in ca.ucalgary.seahawk.gui

Constructors in ca.ucalgary.seahawk.gui with parameters of type MobyNamespace
DataImportChoiceDialog(Frame owner, MobyDataObject[] dataChoices, MobyDataType preferredDataType, MobyNamespace preferredNs, DataImportChoiceListener dicl)
MobyDataObjectWidget(String articleName, MobyClient client, MobyDataType dataType, MobyNamespace[] nss, boolean isaCollection)
          C-tor for uninstantiated data.

Uses of MobyNamespace in

Methods in that return MobyNamespace
 MobyNamespace[] MobyComplexBuilder.getNamespaces()
          Reports the possible namespaces of the objects returned by matched rules.

Methods in with parameters of type MobyNamespace
 MobyDataObject[] MobyClient.getMobyObjects(CharSequence textData, MobyDataType targetDataType, MobyNamespace targetNS)
          Using the regular expression mappings that have been set up, maps a string using rules producing moby objects of the given type.

Uses of MobyNamespace in ca.ucalgary.seahawk.util

Constructors in ca.ucalgary.seahawk.util with parameters of type MobyNamespace
MobyDataObjectDeferred(MobyDataType dt, MobyNamespace ns, MobyPayloadRequestListener listener)
MobyDataObjectDeferred(MobyNamespace ns, MobyPayloadRequestListener listener)

Uses of MobyNamespace in org.biomoby.client

Methods in org.biomoby.client that return MobyNamespace
 MobyNamespace[] CentralDigestCachedImpl.getFullNamespaces()
 MobyNamespace[] CentralDigestImpl.getFullNamespaces()
 MobyNamespace[] CentralDigestCachedSimpleImpl.getFullNamespaces()
 MobyNamespace[] CentralImpl.getFullNamespaces()
          Parses and imports the following XML.

Methods in org.biomoby.client with parameters of type MobyNamespace
 String CentralImpl.getRegisterNamespaceXML(MobyNamespace namespace)
 void CentralImpl.registerNamespace(MobyNamespace namespace)
 void CentralImpl.unregisterNamespace(MobyNamespace namespace)

Uses of MobyNamespace in org.biomoby.registry.sync.handler

Methods in org.biomoby.registry.sync.handler with parameters of type MobyNamespace
 boolean NamespaceHandler.register(MobyNamespace namespace)
 boolean NamespaceHandler.unregister(MobyNamespace namespace)

Uses of MobyNamespace in org.biomoby.service.dashboard

Methods in org.biomoby.service.dashboard that return MobyNamespace
 MobyNamespace RegistryModel.getNamespace(String namespace)
 MobyNamespace[] RegistryModel.getNamespaces(Object initiator)
          Fetch namespaces (from a cache or from a registry).

Methods in org.biomoby.service.dashboard with parameters of type MobyNamespace
 String RegistryModel.getRegisterNamespaceXML(MobyNamespace namespace)
 void RegistryModel.registerNamespace(MobyNamespace namespace)
 void RegistryModel.unRegisterNamespace(MobyNamespace namespace)

Uses of MobyNamespace in org.biomoby.shared

Methods in org.biomoby.shared that return MobyNamespace
 MobyNamespace[] Central.getFullNamespaces()
          Get the list of all registered namespaces, with all their attributes.
static MobyNamespace MobyNamespace.getNamespace(String ns)
static MobyNamespace MobyNamespace.getNamespace(String ns, Registry reg)
 MobyNamespace[] MobyPrimaryDataSet.getNamespaces()
          Return namespaces of the first element of this collection.
abstract  MobyNamespace[] MobyPrimaryData.getNamespaces()
 MobyNamespace[] MobyPrimaryDataSimple.getNamespaces()
          Return all namespaces defined in this data container.

Methods in org.biomoby.shared with parameters of type MobyNamespace
 void MobyPrimaryDataSet.addNamespace(MobyNamespace value)
          Add given namespace of all elements of this collection.
abstract  void MobyPrimaryData.addNamespace(MobyNamespace value)
 void MobyPrimaryDataSimple.addNamespace(MobyNamespace value)
          Add one namespace to already existing ones (but only if a namespace of the same name does not exist yet).
 int MobyNamespace.compareTo(MobyNamespace obj)
 void Central.registerNamespace(MobyNamespace namespace)
          Register new namespace.
 void MobyPrimaryDataSet.removeNamespace(MobyNamespace value)
          Remove given namespace from all elements of this collection.
abstract  void MobyPrimaryData.removeNamespace(MobyNamespace value)
 void MobyPrimaryDataSimple.removeNamespace(MobyNamespace value)
          Remove given namespace.
 void MobyPrimaryDataSet.setNamespaces(MobyNamespace[] value)
          Set given namespaces of all elements of this collection.
abstract  void MobyPrimaryData.setNamespaces(MobyNamespace[] value)
 void MobyPrimaryDataSimple.setNamespaces(MobyNamespace[] value)
          Replace all existing namespaces (if any) by a new array of namespaces.
 void Central.unregisterNamespace(MobyNamespace namespace)
          Unregister given Moby namespace.

Uses of MobyNamespace in

Methods in that return MobyNamespace
 MobyNamespace MobyDataXref.getNamespace()
          Since an Xref can only have one namespace, this method returns the one that will be used in Xref-style XML output.
 MobyNamespace[] MobyDataXref.getNamespaces()
 MobyNamespace[] MobyDataObjectSetSAI.getNamespaces()
 MobyNamespace[] MobyDataObjectSAI.getNamespaces()
 MobyNamespace[] MobyDataObjectSet.getNamespaces()
          Return namespaces that occur in all items of the collection.
 MobyNamespace MobyDataObject.getPrimaryNamespace()

Methods in with parameters of type MobyNamespace
 void MobyDataXref.addNamespace(MobyNamespace ns)
          Values passed here are essentially ignored when a namespace already exists, because an Xref can only have one.
 void MobyDataObjectSetSAI.addNamespace(MobyNamespace ns)
 void MobyDataObjectSAI.addNamespace(MobyNamespace ns)
 void MobyDataObjectSet.addNamespace(MobyNamespace value)
          Add given namespace of all elements of this collection.
 void MobyDataObjectSet.removeNamespace(MobyNamespace value)
          Remove given namespace from all elements of this collection.
 void MobyDataObjectSetSAI.setNamespaces(MobyNamespace[] values)
 void MobyDataObjectSet.setNamespaces(MobyNamespace[] values)
          Set given namespaces of all elements of this collection.
 void MobyDataObject.setPrimaryNamespace(MobyNamespace ns)
          This sets the namespace that will be used in toXML(), since in the XML representation for service execution, you can only have one namespace.

Constructors in with parameters of type MobyNamespace
MobyDataComposite(MobyDataType type, MobyNamespace namespace, String id, Object... memberStrings)
          Instantiates a composite with a variable number of members using Java 1.5's varargs.
MobyDataComposite(MobyDataType type, String name, MobyNamespace namespace, String id)
MobyDataXref(MobyNamespace namespace, String id, MobyService service)

Uses of MobyNamespace in org.biomoby.shared.extended

Methods in org.biomoby.shared.extended that return MobyNamespace
 MobyNamespace[] NamespaceParser.getMobyNamespacesFromRDF()

Version: 1.1.1

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Generated: Sat May 29 04:26:35 EDT 2010