Version: 1.1.1

Package ca.ucalgary.seahawk.util

Interface Summary
MobyContentCreator Interface implemented by Seahawk moby data classes that are actually placeholders for lists of data.
MobyPayloadRequestListener To be implemented by classes that can provide a Moby payload object (e.g. to submit to a service) upon request, with the auumption that the listener knows what to send in the context of the class to which it attached itself as a listener.

Class Summary
BrowserLauncher BrowserLauncher is a class that provides one static method, openURL, which opens the default web browser for the current user of the system to the given URL.
DataFlowRecorder Takes a browsing history in Seahawk and turns it into a Taverna2 workflow (Programming-by-Example).
DataUtils Contains methods for the storage and retrieval of Seahawk-specific information from Moby XML payloads, specifically in the context of data provenance for programming-by-example.
DescriptiveFileFilter A FileFilter used to provide meaningful extensions and descriptions when using a file dialog.
DynamicJPopupMenu This class was created to overcome the basic issue that JPopupMenus do not like to be resized once they have been set visible.
FilterSearch Holds info to limit the display of information from a document to some combination of a regex match and an XPath.
MobyDataObjectDeferred A class that pretends it's a real moby data instance, but is actually a deferred list of data instances that should be submitted en-masse to services.
MobyDataObjectSetDeferred A class that pretends it's a real moby data collection instance, but is actually a deferred list of data collection instances that should be submitted en-masse to services.
MobyDataTransferable Representation of Moby data from the package when copied to a Clipboard.
MobyUtils Contains utility methods for Moby Object creation from unstructured data, and for creating the Seahawk GUI.
NullIcon An empty icon that prints nothing (used for new tabs with no contents)
PrintableJEditorPane A class used to make the rendered contents of a JEditorPane printable in Java.
SeahawkOptions A class for storing user preferences affecting the behaviour of Seahawk.
Sequence Utility methods to report properties of DNA and protein sequence.
SplashWindow A Splash window.
TEX2HTML Converts a large subset of basic latex markup into equivalent HTML
XPathOption Simple class to hold an XPath and a textual description of the XPath, generally for use in a JComboBox, etc. where the toString() is important.
XPointerResolver Retrieves XML DOM Nodes form a document using XPointer locators such as /1/1/2/3/1/67.

Version: 1.1.1

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Generated: Sat May 29 04:26:35 EDT 2010