Version: 1.1.1

Interface MobyPayloadRequestListener

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface MobyPayloadRequestListener

To be implemented by classes that can provide a Moby payload object (e.g. to submit to a service) upon request, with the auumption that the listener knows what to send in the context of the class to which it attached itself as a listener. This is used by MobyServicesGUI to request a payload when the menu item was created based on a data type rather than an actual data instance.

Method Summary
 MobyContentInstance createPayload(String paramNameforJobs)
          Assumes the listener knows what payload to create based on some internal context stored by the listener.

Method Detail


MobyContentInstance createPayload(String paramNameforJobs)
Assumes the listener knows what payload to create based on some internal context stored by the listener. (i.e. you need to create a new listener specific to each deferred payload.

paramNameforJobs - the name of the moby job parameter to which each value should be assigned

Version: 1.1.1

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Generated: Sat May 29 04:26:35 EDT 2010