Version: 1.1.1

Package org.biomoby.service.dashboard

Interface Summary
DashboardPanel An interface that must be implemented by each panel that wants to sit on a dashboard.
DashboardProperties A list of names of most/all recognized properties that can be fired by dashboard panels, and a list of names of Java properties that can be used to configure the dashboard.

Class Summary
AbstractModel A common super-class for all Dashboard models.
AbstractPanel Parent of all panels of a Dashboard.
AntModel A model using Ant to achieve its tasks.
BuildDataTypeTree A tree for building a new data type (usually followed by registering the new data type).
CommonBoard This is a simple graphical widget combining together a tree (a subclass of CommonTree) and a progress bar showing how the tree is being loaded.
CommonConsole A simple console component.
CommonDataTable A common parent to various swing JTables used for collecting definitions of data (input or ouput) for a service.
CommonNode A common node for various tree used in the dashboard.
CommonTree A common JTree re-used (and always slightly modified) by all Biomoby registry trees.
ConsoleStream A simple stream writing data into given CommonConsole component.
Dashboard Dasboard is a graphical user interface for Biomoby service providers.
DashboardConfig An abstract class giving access to the global Dashboard configuration.
DataTypesBoard This is a simple graphical widget combining together a tree (a subclass of CommonTree) and a progress bar showing how the tree is being loaded.
DataTypesTree A component showing and manipulating a tree of data types registered by a Biomoby registry.
DebuggingPanel A debugging panel.
DeploymentTable A swing JTable that collects names of services that are going to be deployed, and names of their implementtaion classes.
ExamplePanel A tutorial panel.
ExitSecurityManager A security manager allowing to enable and disable usage of System.exit() calls.
GeneratorPanel A panel allowing to generate Java code for new services using the MoSeS generators.
GraphColours This abstract class sets up and provides name-to-color and color-to-name mappings and some associated class methods.
JProgressBarWithCancel !!!
LookAndFeelUtils A utility class helping to set different "Look and Feel"s.
MobyUnitTestingPanel This Panel uses the SimpleClient as a template panel and adds the functionality required to provide/perform unit tests on selected Moby services.
NamespacesBoard This is a simple graphical widget combining together a tree (a subclass of CommonTree) and a progress bar showing how the tree is being loaded.
NamespacesTree A component showing and manipulating a tree of namespaces registered by a Biomoby registry.
PerlMoSeSSyntaxDocument This class implements the functionality needed to create a Stylized view of perl scripts in the Perl MoSeS editor sub panel that is part of the Perl-MoSeS panel.
PrimaryDataTable A swing JTable that collects definitions of primary data (input or ouput) for a service.
PropertyChannel PropertyChannel is a shared storage for properties created by panels and their models.
RegistrationDataTypeSubPanel A panel allowing to register a data type in a Biomoby registry.
RegistrationNamespaceSubPanel A panel allowing to register a namespace in a Biomoby registry.
RegistrationPanel A panel allowing to register various entities in a Biomoby registry.
RegistrationServiceSubPanel A panel allowing to register a service in a Biomoby registry.
RegistrationServiceTypeSubPanel A panel allowing to register a service type in a Biomoby registry.
RegistryModel A real worker that supplies all data from a Biomoby registry (or from a local cache) to various panels, especially to the RegistryPanel and the RegistrationPanel.
RegistryPanel A panel displaying contents of a Biomoby registry.
ResultsPanel A panel displaying service result data, using available renderers.
SecondaryDataTable A swing JTable that collects definitions of secondary data (parameters) for a service.
ServiceCallerModel A model that achieves its task by calling (local, remote, or none) Biomoby service.
ServicesBoard This is a simple graphical widget combining together a tree (a subclass of CommonTree) and a progress bar showing how the tree is being loaded.
ServicesTree A component showing and manipulating a tree of services registered by a Biomoby registry.
ServiceTypesBoard This is a simple graphical widget combining together a tree (a subclass of CommonTree) and a progress bar showing how the tree is being loaded.
ServiceTypesTree A component showing and manipulating a tree of service types registered by a Biomoby registry.
SimpleAnt A wrapper that invokes Ant on a build.xml file in the current directory.
SimpleClientPanel A panel allowing to formulate input data and to call an arbitrary Biomoby service.
StatisticsPanel A panel showing various statistics.
SwingWorker This is the 3rd version of SwingWorker (also known as SwingWorker 3), an abstract class that you subclass to perform GUI-related work in a dedicated thread.
TableSorter TableSorter is a decorator for TableModels; adding sorting functionality to a supplied TableModel.
UnitTestingResultPanel A panel displaying service result data, using available renderers.
UnitTestingServiceCallermodel A model that achieves its task by calling Biomoby service.

Version: 1.1.1

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Generated: Sat May 29 04:26:35 EDT 2010