Version: 1.1.1


The package allows you to easily build MOBY data instances for sending to services, or querying the registry.


Interface Summary
MobyDataInstance A convenience interface for passing arrays of instance data around without needing to type cast.
MobyDataServiceAssocInstance This interface defines a data instance that has already had remote MOBY services associated with it, probably through a call to MOBY central.

Class Summary
MobyContentInstance This class represents the data package sent back and forth between clients and servers.
MobyDataBoolean A class representing a MOBY Boolean primitive.
MobyDataBytes A convenience class generally intended for the transmission of binary data that will be Base64 encoded to fit in the MOBY XML envelope.
MobyDataComposite This is the class that represents any non-primitive object instance (i.e. anything except object, boolean, integer, float, date-time, or string) from the MOBY data type ontology.
MobyDataDateTime A class representing a MOBY DateTime, which is a primitive in MOBY.
MobyDataFloat A class representing a MOBY Float primitive.
MobyDataInt A class representing a MOBY Integer primitive.
MobyDataJob Groups together the primary and secondary data corresponding to a MOBY XML "mobyData" block, i.e.
MobyDataObject A class representing a base MOBY object (i.e. just a namespace and id) that has been instantiated.
MobyDataObjectSAI A convenience class that just associates a set of possible services to run with a data instance.
MobyDataObjectSet This class adds to MobyPrimaryDataSet the ability to get and set instantiated MOBY objects.
MobyDataObjectSetSAI A convenience class that just associates a set of possible services to run with a data collection.
MobyDataObjectVector This class is primarily intended for use by MobyDataComposite to represent Object members in the HAS (1-to-many) relationship.
MobyDataSecondaryInstance A class that holds and displays secondary input data to a service.
MobyDataString A class representing a MOBY String primitive.
MobyDataUtils This class contains utilities that could be used on many of the data package classes, such as serialization and deserialization.
MobyDataXref Note: This class has not been thoroughly tested.
MobyProvisionInfo Class to hold data corresponginf to the MOBY PIB.

Exception Summary

Package Description

The package allows you to easily build MOBY data instances for sending to services, or querying the registry. Please see the In Anger document for more information.

Version: 1.1.1

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Generated: Sat May 29 04:26:35 EDT 2010