Version: 1.1.1

Uses of Class

Packages that use MobyDataType
ca.ucalgary.seahawk.gui Seahawk is a graphical MOBY client that can be used standalone, or easily embedded in another Java application.   
org.biomoby.client The components used for developing Moby clients. 
org.biomoby.shared It contains components that are used from more than one (other) packages. The package allows you to easily build MOBY data instances for sending to services, or querying the registry. 

Uses of MobyDataType in ca.ucalgary.seahawk.gui

Methods in ca.ucalgary.seahawk.gui with parameters of type MobyDataType
 JMenu MobyServicesGUI.addOutputTypeSubMenu(JMenu parentMenu, MobyDataType type)

Constructors in ca.ucalgary.seahawk.gui with parameters of type MobyDataType
DataImportChoiceDialog(Frame owner, MobyDataObject[] dataChoices, MobyDataType preferredDataType, MobyNamespace preferredNs, DataImportChoiceListener dicl)
MobyDataObjectWidget(String articleName, MobyClient client, MobyDataType dataType, MobyNamespace[] nss, boolean isaCollection)
          C-tor for uninstantiated data.

Uses of MobyDataType in

Methods in that return MobyDataType
 MobyDataType MobyComplexBuilder.getDataType()
          Reports the data type of the objects returned by matched rules.

Methods in with parameters of type MobyDataType
 boolean MobyClient.canProduceDataTypeFromString(MobyDataType targetDataType)
          Indicates whether at least one production rule exists for the data type or one of its children.
 MobyDataObject[] MobyClient.getMobyObjects(byte[] rawData, MobyDataType targetDataType)
          Using the regular expression mappings that have been set up, maps a string using rules producing moby objects of the given type.
 MobyDataObject[] MobyClient.getMobyObjects(CharSequence textData, MobyDataType targetDataType)
 MobyDataObject[] MobyClient.getMobyObjects(CharSequence textData, MobyDataType targetDataType, MobyNamespace targetNS)
          Using the regular expression mappings that have been set up, maps a string using rules producing moby objects of the given type.
 MobyDataObject[] MobyClient.getMobyObjects(URL url, MobyDataType targetDataType)
 MobyDataObject[] MobyClient.getMobyObjects(URL url, String linkText, MobyDataType targetDataType)

Uses of MobyDataType in ca.ucalgary.seahawk.util

Constructors in ca.ucalgary.seahawk.util with parameters of type MobyDataType
MobyDataObjectDeferred(MobyDataType dt, MobyNamespace ns, MobyPayloadRequestListener listener)
MobyDataObjectDeferred(MobyDataType dt, MobyPayloadRequestListener listener)

Uses of MobyDataType in org.biomoby.client

Fields in org.biomoby.client declared as MobyDataType
 MobyDataType DataTypeConnector.inputDataType
 MobyDataType DataTypeConnector.outputDataType

Methods in org.biomoby.client that return MobyDataType
 MobyDataType DataServiceEdge.getDataType()
          Retrieves the data type (regardless if it is a source or a target data type, there is always only one data type in this class).
 MobyDataType CentralImpl.getDataType(String dataTypeName)
          Parses and imports the following XML.
 MobyDataType[] CentralDigestCachedImpl.getDataTypes()
 MobyDataType[] CentralDigestImpl.getDataTypes()
 MobyDataType[] CentralDigestCachedSimpleImpl.getDataTypes()
 MobyDataType[] CentralImpl.getDataTypes()
static MobyDataType[] FilterDataTypes.getSubTree(MobyDataType dataType, MobyDataType[] allDataTypes)
          Return a subset of 'allDataTypes' that contains only a path from 'dataType' to the top-level object, including all HAS and HASA members along the way.

Methods in org.biomoby.client with parameters of type MobyDataType
static ServicesEdge[][] dataTypes, MobyService[] services)
          Creates all (allowed) connections between given 'services' based on the given 'dataTypes'.
static String Graphviz.createDataTypesGraph(MobyDataType[] dataTypes, Properties props)
          Creates a graph connecting 'dataTypes' using their ISA relationship and showing also their HASA children.
static DataServiceEdge[] ServiceConnections.findEndingEdges(MobyPrimaryDataSimple targetData, MobyDataType[] dataTypes, MobyService[] services)
static DataServiceEdge[] ServiceConnections.findStartingEdges(MobyPrimaryDataSimple sourceData, MobyDataType[] dataTypes, MobyService[] services)
 String CentralImpl.getRegisterDataTypeXML(MobyDataType dataType)
static MobyDataType[] FilterDataTypes.getSubTree(MobyDataType dataType, MobyDataType[] allDataTypes)
          Return a subset of 'allDataTypes' that contains only a path from 'dataType' to the top-level object, including all HAS and HASA members along the way.
static MobyDataType[] FilterDataTypes.getSubTree(MobyDataType dataType, MobyDataType[] allDataTypes)
          Return a subset of 'allDataTypes' that contains only a path from 'dataType' to the top-level object, including all HAS and HASA members along the way.
static Hashtable ServiceConnections.optimizedDataTypes(MobyDataType[] dataTypes)
          Make the data types better searchable.
 void CentralImpl.registerDataType(MobyDataType dataType)
 void CentralImpl.unregisterDataType(MobyDataType dataType)

Constructors in org.biomoby.client with parameters of type MobyDataType
DataServiceEdge(MobyDataType sourceDataType, MobyService targetService, String connector)
          Constructs an instance with data type as a source and a service as a target, and a connector.
DataServiceEdge(MobyService sourceService, MobyDataType targetDataType, String connector)
          Constructs an instance with data type as a target and a service as a source, and a connector.

Uses of MobyDataType in org.biomoby.registry.sync.handler

Methods in org.biomoby.registry.sync.handler with parameters of type MobyDataType
 boolean DataTypeHandler.register(MobyDataType dataType)
 boolean DataTypeHandler.unregister(MobyDataType dataType)

Uses of MobyDataType in org.biomoby.service.dashboard

Methods in org.biomoby.service.dashboard that return MobyDataType
 MobyDataType RegistryModel.getDataType(String dataTypeName)
 MobyDataType[] RegistryModel.getDataTypes(Object initiator)
          Fetch data types (from a cache or from a registry).

Methods in org.biomoby.service.dashboard with parameters of type MobyDataType
 String RegistryModel.getRegisterDataTypeXML(MobyDataType dataType)
 void RegistryModel.registerDataType(MobyDataType dataType)
 void RegistryModel.unRegisterDataType(MobyDataType dataType)

Uses of MobyDataType in

Methods in that return MobyDataType
 MobyDataType DataTypeNode.getDataType()
          Return a Biomoby data type represented by this node.

Methods in with parameters of type MobyDataType
static DataTypeNode DataTypeNode.createNode(MobyDataType dataType, String memberName, int memberRel, DataTypeNode parent, HashMap dtTable, DataTypeModel model)
          A factory for a node.

Constructors in with parameters of type MobyDataType
DataTypeModel(MobyDataType rootType, MobyDataType[] dataTypes)
DataTypeModel(MobyDataType rootType, MobyDataType[] dataTypes)
DataTypeTreeTable(MobyDataType rootType, MobyDataType[] dataTypes)
          Default constructor.
DataTypeTreeTable(MobyDataType rootType, MobyDataType[] dataTypes)
          Default constructor.
ServiceInputPanel(MobyService service, MobyDataType[] dataTypes)
          Create a GUI for all inputs for the given service.

Uses of MobyDataType in org.biomoby.shared

Subclasses of MobyDataType in org.biomoby.shared
 class MobyDataTypeTemplate
          You probably don't need to be looking at this class.

Methods in org.biomoby.shared that return MobyDataType
 MobyDataType MobyPrimaryDataSet.getDataType()
          Return a data type of the first element of this collection (according the Biomoby API, however, all elements should have the same data type).
abstract  MobyDataType MobyPrimaryData.getDataType()
 MobyDataType MobyPrimaryDataSimple.getDataType()
 MobyDataType Central.getDataType(String dataTypeName)
          Get definition of the given data type.
static MobyDataType MobyDataType.getDataType(String className)
static MobyDataType MobyDataType.getDataType(String className, Registry reg)
          Retrieves a datatype object from the registry's ontology.
 MobyDataType[] CentralDigest.getDataTypes()
          Get definition of all known data types.
 MobyDataType[] Central.getDataTypes()
 MobyDataType[] MobyDataType.getLineage()
          A convenience method for retrieving the entire inheritance tree for this MOBY object class.
 MobyDataType MobyDataType.getParent()

Methods in org.biomoby.shared with parameters of type MobyDataType
 void MobyDataTypeTemplate.bindTemplate(MobyDataType subtype)
 int MobyDataType.compareTo(MobyDataType obj)
 boolean MobyDataType.inheritsFrom(MobyDataType otherType)
          Searches the ontology lineage of the current data type against the provided type.
 void Central.registerDataType(MobyDataType dataType)
          Register new data type.
 void MobyPrimaryDataSet.setDataType(MobyDataType dataType)
          Set given data type to all elements of this collection (according the Biomoby API all elements should have the same data type).
abstract  void MobyPrimaryData.setDataType(MobyDataType value)
 void MobyPrimaryDataSimple.setDataType(MobyDataType value)
 void Central.unregisterDataType(MobyDataType dataType)
          Unregister given Moby data type.

Constructors in org.biomoby.shared with parameters of type MobyDataType
MobyDataTypeTemplate(MobyDataType mdt)

Uses of MobyDataType in

Methods in that return MobyDataType
 MobyDataType MobyDataObjectSetSAI.getDataType()
 MobyDataType MobyDataObjectSAI.getDataType()
 MobyDataType MobyDataObjectSet.getDataType()
          Return the least upper bound parent class of all items in the collection.

Constructors in with parameters of type MobyDataType
MobyDataBytes(String name, byte[] data, MobyDataType inputDataType)
          C-tor to use when you have binary data to encode
MobyDataBytes(String name, CharSequence data, MobyDataType inputDataType)
          C-tor to use when you have received text-encoded binary.
MobyDataBytes(String name, URL resourceURL, MobyDataType inputDataType)
          C-tor to use when you want to encode a resource, such as an image file.
MobyDataComposite(MobyDataType type)
MobyDataComposite(MobyDataType type, MobyNamespace namespace, String id, Object... memberStrings)
          Instantiates a composite with a variable number of members using Java 1.5's varargs.
MobyDataComposite(MobyDataType type, String name)
MobyDataComposite(MobyDataType type, String name, MobyNamespace namespace, String id)
MobyDataComposite(MobyDataType type, String name, String namespace, String id)

Uses of MobyDataType in org.biomoby.shared.extended

Methods in org.biomoby.shared.extended that return MobyDataType
 MobyDataType[] DataTypeParser.getMobyDataTypesFromRDF()

Version: 1.1.1

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Generated: Sat May 29 04:26:35 EDT 2010