Version: 1.1.1

Uses of Class

Packages that use MobyDataObject
ca.ucalgary.seahawk.gui Seahawk is a graphical MOBY client that can be used standalone, or easily embedded in another Java application.   
org.biomoby.shared It contains components that are used from more than one (other) packages. The package allows you to easily build MOBY data instances for sending to services, or querying the registry. 

Uses of MobyDataObject in ca.ucalgary.seahawk.gui

Methods in ca.ucalgary.seahawk.gui with parameters of type MobyDataObject
 void MobyContentClipboard.importConfirmed(DataImportChoiceDialog dialog, MobyDataObject[] selectedData)
 void DataImportChoiceListener.importConfirmed(DataImportChoiceDialog dialog, MobyDataObject[] selectedData)

Constructors in ca.ucalgary.seahawk.gui with parameters of type MobyDataObject
DataImportChoiceDialog(Frame owner, MobyDataObject[] dataChoices, MobyDataType preferredDataType, MobyNamespace preferredNs, DataImportChoiceListener dicl)

Uses of MobyDataObject in

Methods in that return MobyDataObject
 MobyDataObject MobyComplexBuilder.apply(Matcher matcher)
 MobyDataObject MobyComplexBuilder.apply(Matcher matcher, byte[] data)
 MobyDataObject MobyComplexBuilder.applyXPath(Object result, NamespaceContext nsContext)
 MobyDataObject[] MobyClient.getMobyObjects(byte[] rawData, MobyDataType targetDataType)
          Using the regular expression mappings that have been set up, maps a string using rules producing moby objects of the given type.
 MobyDataObject[] MobyClient.getMobyObjects(CharSequence textData)
          Using the regular expression mappings that have been set up, maps a string to moby objects.
 MobyDataObject[] MobyClient.getMobyObjects(CharSequence textData, byte[] bytes)
 MobyDataObject[] MobyClient.getMobyObjects(CharSequence textData, MobyDataType targetDataType)
 MobyDataObject[] MobyClient.getMobyObjects(CharSequence textData, MobyDataType targetDataType, MobyNamespace targetNS)
          Using the regular expression mappings that have been set up, maps a string using rules producing moby objects of the given type.
 MobyDataObject[] MobyClient.getMobyObjects(Node n)
          Using the XPath mappings that have been set up, maps a DOM node to moby objects.
 MobyDataObject[] MobyClient.getMobyObjects(URL url)
          Using the URL regular expression mappings that have been set up, maps a string to moby objects.
 MobyDataObject[] MobyClient.getMobyObjects(URL url, MobyDataType targetDataType)
 MobyDataObject[] MobyClient.getMobyObjects(URL url, String linkText)
 MobyDataObject[] MobyClient.getMobyObjects(URL url, String linkText, MobyDataType targetDataType)

Methods in with parameters of type MobyDataObject
 MobyDataServiceAssocInstance MobyClient.getServices(MobyDataObject mdo)
 MobyDataServiceAssocInstance[] MobyClient.getServices(MobyDataObject[] mdos)

Uses of MobyDataObject in ca.ucalgary.seahawk.util

Subclasses of MobyDataObject in ca.ucalgary.seahawk.util
 class MobyDataObjectDeferred
          A class that pretends it's a real moby data instance, but is actually a deferred list of data instances that should be submitted en-masse to services.
 class MobyDataObjectDeferredSAI

Uses of MobyDataObject in org.biomoby.shared

Methods in org.biomoby.shared that return MobyDataObject
 MobyDataObject MobyObjectDecompositionImpl.createPrimitiveType(String localName, String articleName)
 MobyDataObject[] MobyObjectDecompositionImpl.getFlattenedPrims(String object)
 MobyDataObject[] MobyObjectDecomposition.getFlattenedPrims(String object)

Uses of MobyDataObject in

Subclasses of MobyDataObject in
 class MobyDataBoolean
          A class representing a MOBY Boolean primitive.
 class MobyDataBytes
          A convenience class generally intended for the transmission of binary data that will be Base64 encoded to fit in the MOBY XML envelope.
 class MobyDataComposite
          This is the class that represents any non-primitive object instance (i.e. anything except object, boolean, integer, float, date-time, or string) from the MOBY data type ontology.
 class MobyDataDateTime
          A class representing a MOBY DateTime, which is a primitive in MOBY.
 class MobyDataFloat
          A class representing a MOBY Float primitive.
 class MobyDataInt
          A class representing a MOBY Integer primitive.
 class MobyDataObjectSAI
          A convenience class that just associates a set of possible services to run with a data instance.
 class MobyDataObjectVector
          This class is primarily intended for use by MobyDataComposite to represent Object members in the HAS (1-to-many) relationship.
 class MobyDataString
          A class representing a MOBY String primitive.
 class MobyDataXref
          Note: This class has not been thoroughly tested.

Methods in that return MobyDataObject
 MobyDataObject MobyDataObject.clone()
          Simply calls new constructor with object's existing data type, name and value.
static MobyDataObject MobyDataObject.createInstanceFromString(String typeName, String value)
          Construct a primitive data type instance from a string value.
static MobyDataObject MobyDataObject.createInstanceFromString(String typeName, String value, Registry registry)
 MobyDataObject MobyDataObjectVector.get(int index)
          Returns the element at the specified position in this list.
 MobyDataObject MobyDataComposite.get(Object fieldName)
          Retrieves a member of the composite with a given field name.
 MobyDataObject MobyDataObjectSAI.getDataInstance()
          Returns the underlying data instance we are shadowing
 MobyDataObject[] MobyDataObjectSetSAI.getElementInstances()
 MobyDataObject[] MobyDataObjectSet.getElementInstances()
 MobyDataObject[] MobyDataJob.getPrimaryDataObjects()
 MobyDataObject MobyDataComposite.put(String fieldName, MobyDataObject value)
          Add a field to the composite.
 MobyDataObject MobyDataComposite.putIfAbsent(String key, MobyDataObject value)
 MobyDataObject MobyDataObjectVector.remove(int index)
          Removes the element at the specified position in this list (optional operation).
 MobyDataObject MobyDataComposite.remove(Object fieldName)
          Removes the field with the given name, if present
 MobyDataObject MobyDataComposite.replace(String fieldName, MobyDataObject value)
 MobyDataObject MobyDataObjectVector.set(int index, MobyDataObject element)
          Replaces the element at the specified position in this list with the specified element (optional operation).

Methods in that return types with arguments of type MobyDataObject
 Set<Map.Entry<String,MobyDataObject>> MobyDataComposite.entrySet()
          Retrieves each field name/MobyDataObject pair for the members of the composite object
static Collection<? extends MobyDataObject> MobyDataObjectSet.getChildren(Element e, Registry registry)
 Iterator<MobyDataObject> MobyDataObjectSetSAI.iterator()
 Iterator<MobyDataObject> MobyDataObjectSet.iterator()
 Iterator<MobyDataObject> MobyDataObjectVector.iterator()
          Returns an iterator over the elements in this list in proper sequence.
 ListIterator<MobyDataObject> MobyDataObjectVector.listIterator()
          Returns a list iterator of the elements in this list (in proper sequence).
 ListIterator<MobyDataObject> MobyDataObjectVector.listIterator(int index)
          Returns a list iterator of the elements in this list (in proper sequence), starting at the specified position in this list.
 List<MobyDataObject> MobyDataObjectVector.subList(int fromIndex, int toIndex)
          Returns a view of the portion of this list between the specified fromIndex, inclusive, and toIndex, exclusive.
 Collection<MobyDataObject> MobyDataComposite.values()
          For the user's convenience, the returned Collection is a MobyDataSetInstance, allowing for MOBY-savvy equivalency testing with another Collection of data instances.

Methods in with parameters of type MobyDataObject
 void MobyDataObjectVector.add(int index, MobyDataObject mdo)
          Inserts the specified element at the specified position in this list.
 boolean MobyDataObjectSetSAI.add(MobyDataObject mdsi)
 boolean MobyDataObjectSet.add(MobyDataObject mdo)
          Add a single MobyDataObject to the collection.
 boolean MobyDataObjectVector.add(MobyDataObject mdo)
          Add an object to the list.
 void MobyDataObject.addCrossReference(MobyDataObject mdsi)
 void MobyDataObjectSAI.addCrossReference(MobyDataObject mobj)
 MobyDataObject MobyDataComposite.put(String fieldName, MobyDataObject value)
          Add a field to the composite.
 MobyDataObject MobyDataComposite.putIfAbsent(String key, MobyDataObject value)
 MobyDataObject MobyDataComposite.replace(String fieldName, MobyDataObject value)
 boolean MobyDataComposite.replace(String fieldName, MobyDataObject oldValue, MobyDataObject newValue)
 MobyDataObject MobyDataObjectVector.set(int index, MobyDataObject element)
          Replaces the element at the specified position in this list with the specified element (optional operation).
 void MobyDataObjectSetSAI.setElements(MobyDataObject[] values)
 void MobyDataObjectSet.setElements(MobyDataObject[] values)
          Replace whatever is in the collection right now with the values in the input array.

Method parameters in with type arguments of type MobyDataObject
 boolean MobyDataObjectSetSAI.addAll(Collection<? extends MobyDataObject> c)
 boolean MobyDataObjectSet.addAll(Collection<? extends MobyDataObject> c)
          Convenient way to add the input collection of MobyDataObjects (usually a MobyDataObjectSet, or a Vector of MobyDataObjects) to this collection.
 boolean MobyDataObjectVector.addAll(Collection<? extends MobyDataObject> c)
          Appends all of the elements in the specified collection to the end of this list, in the order that they are returned by the specified collection's iterator.
 boolean MobyDataObjectVector.addAll(int index, Collection<? extends MobyDataObject> c)
          Inserts all of the elements in the specified collection into this list at the specified position.
 void MobyDataComposite.putAll(Map<? extends String,? extends MobyDataObject> map)
          Sets a number of object fields at once.

Constructors in with parameters of type MobyDataObject
MobyDataObject(MobyDataObject mobj)
          Creates a base object with the same name, namespace and id as the input instance, as opposed to clone, which creates an exact copy of all the fields and the datatype.
MobyDataObjectSAI(MobyDataObject mdsi, MobyService[] services)
          Constructor that takes an existing object and associates services with it.
MobyDataObjectSet(String name, MobyDataObject[] values)
          Creates a collection with a name, initializing the members with the given array.
MobyDataXref(MobyDataObject mdsi, MobyService service)
          Build an Xref based on an existing object.

Constructor parameters in with type arguments of type MobyDataObject
MobyDataObjectSet(String name, Collection<? extends MobyDataObject> c)
          Creates a collection with a name, initializing the members with the members of the given collection.

Version: 1.1.1

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Generated: Sat May 29 04:26:35 EDT 2010