Version: 1.1.1

Uses of Class

Packages that use MobyDataJob
ca.ucalgary.seahawk.gui Seahawk is a graphical MOBY client that can be used standalone, or easily embedded in another Java application. 
org.biomoby.service It contains general components that can be used by those writing code for Moby services. 
org.biomoby.service.test The package allows you to easily build MOBY data instances for sending to services, or querying the registry. 

Uses of MobyDataJob in ca.ucalgary.seahawk.gui

Methods in ca.ucalgary.seahawk.gui with parameters of type MobyDataJob
 void MobyContentGUI.serviceWrapped(String providerURI, String serviceName, MobyDataJob sampleData)
          Called after a service has been created by the wrapping system, with the intention that the new service should be called and included in the browsing session.

Uses of MobyDataJob in ca.ucalgary.seahawk.util

Methods in ca.ucalgary.seahawk.util that return MobyDataJob
static MobyDataJob DataUtils.getInputSample(Document responseDom, Registry registry)
          Backtrack from a service result to the input doc sent to the service
static MobyDataJob DataUtils.getInputSample(Document responseDom, String jobName, Registry registry)
          Same as two-arg, but retrieves a specific job's input (or null if not a job name found in the doc).

Methods in ca.ucalgary.seahawk.util with parameters of type MobyDataJob
static URL DataUtils.createServiceInputFileForPeers(MobyContentInstance peerJobs, MobyDataJob sampleJob)
          Create a temp file that populates the MobyContentInstance from the sample data for all missing fields in peerJobs.

Constructors in ca.ucalgary.seahawk.util with parameters of type MobyDataJob
MobyDataTransferable(MobyDataJob job)
          C-tor to use when you have a complete job to transfer (a.k.a. a mobyData block).

Uses of MobyDataJob in

Methods in with parameters of type MobyDataJob
 void CGIService.processRequest(MobyDataJob request, MobyDataJob result)
 void WSDLService.processRequest(MobyDataJob request, MobyDataJob result)
 void ACDService.processRequest(MobyDataJob request, MobyDataJob result)
          Runs the command-line program specified by the servlet config, reformatting along the way.

Uses of MobyDataJob in org.biomoby.service

Methods in org.biomoby.service with parameters of type MobyDataJob
 void MobyServlet.processRequest(MobyDataJob request, MobyDataJob result)
          The real worker method: implementing classes must override this method to do something useful.
static void MobyServlet.validateArguments(MobyDataJob job, MobyService service, String errMessagePrefix)
          Throws an exception if the data in the job does not match the input spec of the service.

Uses of MobyDataJob in org.biomoby.service.test

Methods in org.biomoby.service.test with parameters of type MobyDataJob
 void FromFastaToDNASequence.processRequest(MobyDataJob request, MobyDataJob result)
          Parses a FastA string into its header component and sequence, constructing a MOBY DNASequence object (or subclass thereof), which can be used in more services.
 void ConvertAAtoFASTA_AA.processRequest(MobyDataJob request, MobyDataJob result)
          Builds a FastA record from a MOBY AminoAcidSequence object.

Uses of MobyDataJob in

Methods in that return MobyDataJob
 MobyDataJob MobyContentInstance.get(Object fieldName)
          Retrieves a member (AbstractMap) of the composite with a given field name.
 MobyDataJob MobyContentInstance.put(String queryID, MobyDataJob value)
 MobyDataJob MobyContentInstance.remove(Object fieldName)
          Removes the query with the given name, if present

Methods in that return types with arguments of type MobyDataJob
 Set<Map.Entry<String,MobyDataJob>> MobyContentInstance.entrySet()
          Retrieves each name/data group pair for the members of content.
 Collection<MobyDataJob> MobyContentInstance.values()
          Returns all of the queries

Methods in with parameters of type MobyDataJob
 void MobyContentInstance.put(MobyDataJob value)
          same as put(String, MobyDataJob), but the queryID will be automatically generated for this value
 MobyDataJob MobyContentInstance.put(String queryID, MobyDataJob value)

Method parameters in with type arguments of type MobyDataJob
 void MobyContentInstance.putAll(Map<? extends String,? extends MobyDataJob> map)
          Sets a number of queries at once.

Version: 1.1.1

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Generated: Sat May 29 04:26:35 EDT 2010