Version: 1.1.1


Interface Summary
Registration Interface to hold constants shared between PBE system and server side proxy/registry

Class Summary
ACDService A servlet that will read in an EMBOSS ACD file (which describes the command-line usage of a program in the suite) and publishes it as a MOBY service.
CGIService In this class, we reshape an XHTML form into a Moby description of a service, which then uses the standard MobyServlet mechanism for service signature creation, meta-data publishing, etc.
CGIServlet Provides an HTML interface for invoking CGI.
LegacyService A base servlet for any servlet wanting to transform from Moby datatypers into legacy (semi-structured) data formats.
SoapServlet Provides an HTML interface for invoking SOAP-based Web Services.
WrapperService<E extends MobySpecWrapper> Based class for servlets implementing a Moby wrapper around existing Web-based interface specifications enhanced with semantic info (represented in a MobySpecWrapper), such as WSDL and CGI services.
WrappingServlet.MyNodeList A mutable NodeList implementation for convenience.
WSDLService A servlet to wrap a Semantically Annotated WSDL file into a Moby Service using LSIDs to identify the models (Moby ontology terms) and lowering/lifting schema mappings (MOB and DEM rules) to bridge the semantic contents of Moby messages <-> the syntactic WSDL I/O.

Version: 1.1.1

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Generated: Sat May 29 04:26:35 EDT 2010