XML structure of an output message

The SOAP payload of the response from a MOBY service takes a similar structure:
      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <moby:MOBY xmlns:moby="http://www.biomoby.org/moby">
        <moby:mobyContent moby:authority="http://tempcalculator.org/tempcalculator"> 
          <moby:serviceNotes>freetext notes here</moby:serviceNotes>
          <moby:mobyData queryID=''>
                <!-- articles (Simple/Collection/Secondary Parameter) returned from 
		the service in response to a single queryInput block -->
          [<moby:mobyData queryID=''>
                <!-- articles (Simple/Collection/Secondary Parameter) returned from 
		the service in response to a single queryInput block -->

The mobyContent envelope is required and gathers together individual invocation results along with generalized service provision data (i.e. data that is not specific to a single service invocation, but to the use of that service in general). There is currently only one defined attribute of the mobyContent element of a response message - "authority" is optional, and meant to be a URI describing the service (authority and servicename). There are two currently defined child elements of the mobyContent tag in a response message - mobyData, and serviceNotes.

mobyData blocks are the output results of associated mobyData input blocks; the association is made through the queryID attribute, where the service provider should enumerate the mobyData response block with the mobyData input to which it is the response.

The serviceNotes block is only loosely defined in this version of the API, and is currently meant to contain human-readable freetext. serviceNotes are optional.

There must be as many mobyData response elements as there were mobyData input elements (if a service can not respond to a specific query for whatever reason, this element may be empty!).

For example, the following response payloads are both valid.

      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <moby:MOBY xmlns:moby="http://www.biomoby.org/moby">
         <moby:mobyContent moby:authority="http://www.tempcalculator.org/meltyman">
	  Our software was updated April 30, 2003 due to a bug in the previous version.  
	  Earlier results should be considered unreliable
          <moby:mobyData queryID='a1'>
              <moby:Float moby:namespace="NCBI_gi" moby:id="163483">69.8</moby:Float>
      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <moby:MOBY xmlns:moby="http://www.biomoby.org/moby">
        <moby:mobyContent moby:authority="http://www.tempcalculator.org/meltyman">
          <moby:mobyData queryID='a1'>
              <moby:Float moby:namespace="NCBI_gi" moby:id="163483">69.8</moby:Float>
          <moby:mobyData queryID='a2'>
              <moby:Float moby:namespace="NCBI_gi" moby:id="635543">72.1</moby:Float>
Similarly with Collections:
       <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
       <moby:MOBY xmlns:moby="http://www.biomoby.org/moby">
          <moby:serviceNotes>Genbank update patch applied June 29, 2003.
          <moby:mobyData queryID='b1'>
              <Collection  articleName="mySequenceCollection">
                  <Object namespace="NCBI_gi" id="163483"/>
                  <Object namespace="NCBI_gi" id="244355"/>
                  <Object namespace="NCBI_gi" id="533253"/>
                  <Object namespace="NCBI_gi" id="745290"/>