Version: 1.1.1

Uses of Class

Packages that use MutableNodeList

Uses of MutableNodeList in ca.ucalgary.seahawk.util

Methods in ca.ucalgary.seahawk.util with parameters of type MutableNodeList
static List<String> DataUtils.findFilteredNodes(Document targetDoc, FilterSearch filter, List<String> filterableXPtrs, Map<String,String> xPtrsToFilter, Map<String,Boolean> jobXPtrs, MutableNodeList currentSelectedData, StringBuffer currentSelectionXPath, boolean apply)
          Returns a list of xptrs to filterable nodes in the targetDoc, an populates the list of xptrs that should be filtered according to the provided filter.

Version: 1.1.1

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Generated: Sat May 29 04:26:35 EDT 2010