MobyCentral |
MobyCore |
This library provides a basic Swing components to visualize BioMoby Registry artefacts. All Swing component models located in a org.inb.biomoby.central.gui.model.* package and are based on MobyCentralModel library. The library is in no way a complete BioMoby Registry visualisation solution, but provides a good start for someone who want to develop an utility that work with the registry. Here are some classes that could be useful in this task:
RegistryComboBox.class | Just a combo box to select an active BioMoby Registry server to work with. |
AbstractMobyServicesTreePanel.class | An abstract class that provides a good start to put your functionality on BioMoby Services tree. |
AbstractMobyDatatypesTreePanel.class | An abstract class that can be extended to put your functionality on BioMoby Datatypes tree. |
A good example of usage can be found in DatatypesGeneratorPanel.class from MobyGenerator utility.