MobyCore API
MobyCore is an API to execute BioMoby services. It supports both synchronous and asynchronous services. Library relies on JAX-WS 2.1 API that is a part of
Java 6. It also works on JEE5 where JAX-WS is a part of the platform. In case of using Java 5, JAX-WS must be present in a classpath.
Some essencial classes and packages of the library are:
This package contains BioMoby primitive classes (such as MobyString, MobyInteger...)
Package contains classes related to BioMoby message structure (MobyMessage, MobyData, MobySimple...)
Classes in this package represent artifacts from BioMoby Registry (such as description of services or datatypes)
This is a JAXB Context cache. JAXB Context has all BioMoby artefacts to convert them into an XML.
The class executes a BioMoby service.
Generating JAXB-annotated ontology classes
Even MobyCore may work without generated ontology classes, they facilitate a development.
Generated by MobyGenerator classes are nothing more than JAXB annotated beans with properties.
Here is an example of generated datatype class:
public class WeightedAminoAcidSequences extends AminoAcidSequence implements Serializable {
public List<? extends AminoAcidSequence> getAminoAcidSequence() {
return getAttributes("AminoAcidSequence");
public void addAminoAcidSequence(AminoAcidSequence aminoAcidSequence) {
putAttribute("AminoAcidSequence", aminoAcidSequence);
public WeightedObject getWeightedObject() {
return getAttribute("WeightedObject");
public void setWeightedObject(WeightedObject weightedObject) {
putAttribute("WeightedObject", weightedObject);
Executing synchronous BioMoby services
To execute a BioMoby service, first we have to prepare a message.
This is done by creating a MobyMessage object:
MobyObject object = new MobyObject("P00807", "UniProt");
MobySimple simple = new MobySimple(object, "id");
MobyData data = new MobyData(simple, "sip_1");
MobyMessage request = new MobyMessage(data);
Next step is to create a BioMoby service description. To execute a service we do not need a complete description.
Service service = new Service("getAminoAcidSequence", "");
Now we can create a MobyDispatch object and execute a service.
MobyDispatch dispatch = new MobyDispatch(service);
MobyMessage response = dispatch.invoke(request);
The result of the execution is another MobyMessage that contains a response (or possibly MobyExceptions).
MobyCore supposed to work with generated JAXB-annotated ontology classes. In case when a class can not be found, it is substituted
by a special object AnyMobyObject. This object facilitates property access through getAttribute() and
getAttributes() methods. Consider that we execute a service that return an AminoAcidSequence object and we do
not have AminoAcidSequence class generated. In this case we would have a AnyMobyObject instead of unknown to us AminoAcidSequence.
MobyString string = (MobyString) any.getAttribute("SequenceString");
Well, may be this is not the best example, because we still must know that service returns an AminoAcidSequence or its derivative.
MobySimple may contain either a primitive type or a complex one, so we have to check. Here is a simple method that traverse a given element:
public void traverse(AbstractMobyObject object) throws JAXBException
System.out.println(MobyMessageContext.getMobyName(object) + " " + object.getArticleName());
if (object instanceof MobyObject)
MobyObject complex = (MobyObject)object;
List<AbstractMobyObject> attributes = complex.getAttributes();
for (AbstractMobyObject o : attributes)
Here we used a MobyMessageContext to resolve a BioMoby name for a given object.
AnyMobyObject can also be used to setup a datatype dynamically.
AnyMobyObject any = new AnyMobyObject("AminoAcidSequece");
any.putAttribute("SequenceString", new MobyString("ATCG"));
any.putAttribute("Length", new MobyInteger(4));
Even we can perfectly mix AnyMobyObject with ontology generated classes, it is better to use one way or another.
Here is an example of parsing a MobyMessage response:
MobyMessage response = dispatch.invoke(request);
if (response.hasExceptions())
throw response.getExceptions(); // MobyExceptions is a java Exception object!
ArrayList<MobyData> data_list = response.getMobyDataList();
if (data_list.isEmpty())
throw new Exception("Empty response!");
for (MobyData data : data_list)
List<MobyDataElement> elements = data.getMobyDataElements(); // for example a list of simples
for (MobyDataElement element : elements)
if (element instanceof MobySimple)
MobySimple simple = (MobySimple)element;
AbstractMobyObject object = simple.getObject();
if (object instanceof AminoAcidSequence)
AminoAcidSequence sequence = (AminoAcidSequence)object;
MobyString str = sequence.getSequenceString();
else if (object instanceof AnyMobyObject)
AnyMobyObject any = (AnyMobyObject)object;
AbstractMobyObject attr = any.getAttribute("SequenceString");
if (attr != null && attr instanceof MobyString)
MobyString str = (MobyString)attr;
throw new Exception(); // object has no "SequenceString" property of type MobyString
throw new Exception(); // expected AminoAcidSequence
throw new Exception(); // expected MobySimple
Executing asynchronous BioMoby services
BioMoby uses a subset of WSRF specification for the asynchrony.
The main difference between asynchronous and synchronous services is in a way of obtaining a result.
Note also that we set a service category to "moby-async".
The rest of the things are pretty the same as for synchronous invocation:
// AminoAcidSequence sequence = new AminoAcidSequence();
// sequence.setSequenceString(new MobyString("ATCG")):
// sequence.setLength(new MobyInteger(4));
AnyMobyObject sequence = new AnyMobyObject("AminoAcidSequence");
sequence.putAttribute("SequenceString", new MobyString("ATCG"));
sequence.putAttribute("Length", new MobyInteger(4));
MobySimple simple = new MobySimple(sequence, "sequence");
MobyData data = new MobyData(simple, "sip_1");
MobyMessage request = new MobyMessage(data);
Service service = new Service("runNCBIBlastp", null);
MobyDispatch dispatch = new MobyDispatch(service);
MobyWSRFResource wsrf = dispatch.invokeAsync(request);
The result object is an WSRF resource through which we can poll to check our execution status:
AnalysisEvent lsae = wsrf.getResourcePropertyStatus("sip_1");
Event event = lsae.getEvent();
if (event instanceof StateChanged)
StateChanged stateChanged = (StateChanged)event;
StateChanged.STATE state = stateChanged.getNewState();
if (state == StateChanged.STATE.completed)
{ // the resource (result) is ready
MobyMessage response = wsrf.getResourcePropertyResult("sip_1");
wsrf.destroy(); // we can remove a resource if we do not need it anymore
else if (state == StateChanged.STATE.created ||
state == StateChanged.STATE.running)
{ // the result is not ready
// actually must be an error...
An obtained MobyMessage parsed the same way as for synchronous service.