Version: 1.1.1

Uses of Class

Packages that use AnalysisEvent
org.biomoby.client The components used for developing Moby clients. 

Uses of AnalysisEvent in org.biomoby.client

Methods in org.biomoby.client that return AnalysisEvent
static AnalysisEvent[] AsyncClient.poll(EndpointReference epr, Collection<String> queryIds)
static AnalysisEvent AsyncClient.poll(EndpointReference epr, String queryId)
static AnalysisEvent[] AsyncClient.poll(EndpointReference epr, String[] queryIds)
          Polls the status (e.g. running, completed) of queries associated with a service invocation.

Uses of AnalysisEvent in org.omg.lsae.notifications

Subclasses of AnalysisEvent in org.omg.lsae.notifications
 class HeartBeatEvent
 class PercentEvent
 class StateEvent
 class StepEvent
 class TimeProgressEvent

Methods in org.omg.lsae.notifications that return AnalysisEvent
static AnalysisEvent[] AnalysisEvent.createFromXML(Object xmlData)

Uses of AnalysisEvent in org.omg.lsae.sax

Methods in org.omg.lsae.sax that return AnalysisEvent
 AnalysisEvent[] EventParser.parse(InputStream xml)
          Parse the contents coming from the given input stream.
 AnalysisEvent[] EventParser.parse(Reader xmlReader)
          Parse the contents coming from the given reader.
 AnalysisEvent[] EventParser.parse(String xmlFilename)
          Parse the contents of the given file.

Version: 1.1.1

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Generated: Sat May 29 04:26:35 EDT 2010