Version: 1.1.1

Uses of Class

Packages that use AbstractEntity

Uses of AbstractEntity in org.inb.biomoby.central

Subclasses of AbstractEntity in org.inb.biomoby.central
 class MobyCentral

Uses of AbstractEntity in org.inb.biomoby.central.cache

Methods in org.inb.biomoby.central.cache with type parameters of type AbstractEntity
<T extends AbstractEntity>
CacheConfig.load(MobyCentral central, String file)
          Generic method to load BioMoby entities from a cache.
<T extends AbstractEntity>
CacheConfig.load(Reader reader)
          Generic method to load BioMoby entities from a cache.
<T extends AbstractEntity>
void<T> entities, MobyCentral central, String file)
          Generic method that saves any BioMoby entities ("Namespace", "Service", "ServiceType" and "ObjectType") to a cache file.
<T extends AbstractEntity>
void<T> entities, Writer writer)
          Generic method to save BioMoby entities to the provided writer

Uses of AbstractEntity in org.inb.biomoby.central.gui.model

Constructors in org.inb.biomoby.central.gui.model with parameters of type AbstractEntity
AbstractEntityTreeNode(AbstractEntity entity)

Uses of AbstractEntity in org.inb.biomoby.shared.registry

Classes in org.inb.biomoby.shared.registry with type parameters of type AbstractEntity
 class AbstractEntity<T extends AbstractEntity>
           An abstract class that represents any Moby Central entity that could be named

Subclasses of AbstractEntity in org.inb.biomoby.shared.registry
 class AbstractTypeEntity<T extends AbstractTypeEntity>
          Represents Moby Central entity type (either ObjectType or ServiceType)
 class Namespace
 class ObjectType
 class Service
 class ServiceType

Methods in org.inb.biomoby.shared.registry that return AbstractEntity
 AbstractEntity<T> AbstractEntity.clone()

Methods in org.inb.biomoby.shared.registry with parameters of type AbstractEntity
 int AbstractEntity.compareTo(AbstractEntity entity)

Version: 1.1.1

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Generated: Sat May 29 04:26:35 EDT 2010