Version: 1.1.1

Uses of Class

Packages that use MobyDataElement
org.biomoby.shared.parser The package org.biomoby.shared.parser contains classes for parsing Biomoby data from an XML format (a Biomoby XML envelope) into Java objects, and back to XML. 

Uses of MobyDataElement in org.biomoby.shared.parser

Subclasses of MobyDataElement in org.biomoby.shared.parser
 class MobyCollection
          A specialized "envelope" that can carry a collection of other envelopes (represented by MobySimples objects), and giving them a name known as an article name for top-level object.
 class MobyParameter
          A mixture of an "envelope" (because it inherits from a general envelope MobyDataElement, and Biomoby data, representing a secondary input - a secondary means that it is not used in a service discovery process.
 class MobySimple
          A specialized "envelope" that can carry one real Biomoby data object, and gives it (usually) a name, also known as an article name for top-level object.

Methods in org.biomoby.shared.parser that return MobyDataElement
 MobyDataElement[] MobyJob.getDataElements()
          Return all data elements stored in this job.

Methods in org.biomoby.shared.parser with parameters of type MobyDataElement
 void MobyJob.addDataElement(MobyDataElement dataElement)
          Add 'dataElement' to this job.
 void MobyJob.setDataElements(MobyDataElement[] dataElements)
          Replace all current data elements (if any) by the new ones.

Version: 1.1.1

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Generated: Sat May 29 04:26:35 EDT 2010