Version: 1.1.1

Uses of Class

Packages that use MobyObject
org.biomoby.shared.datatypes The package org.biomoby.shared.datatypes contains containers for basic Biomoby data types (a basic parent class MobyObject and all Biomoby primitive types). 
org.biomoby.shared.parser The package org.biomoby.shared.parser contains classes for parsing Biomoby data from an XML format (a Biomoby XML envelope) into Java objects, and back to XML. 

Uses of MobyObject in de.mpg.mpiz_koeln.featureClient

Methods in de.mpg.mpiz_koeln.featureClient with parameters of type MobyObject
 void FeatureClient.addMultipleCallInput(FeatureClient.JobIdentifier jobIdentifier, MobyObject... inputs)
          Adds one or more input(s) to the client which are used to call services once or more.
 void FeatureClient.addMultipleCallInput(String jobidentifier, MobyObject... inputs)
 void FeatureClient.setSingleCallInput(MobyObject... inputs)
          Sets the inputs for a single service call.

Uses of MobyObject in

Methods in with parameters of type MobyObject
 void DataTypeTreeTable.populateData(MobyObject mobyObject)

Uses of MobyObject in org.biomoby.shared.datatypes

Subclasses of MobyObject in org.biomoby.shared.datatypes
 class MobyBoolean
          An object representing a Boolean, a Moby primitive data type.
 class MobyDateTime
          An object representing a date, or a date and time, a Moby primitive data type.
 class MobyFloat
          An object representing a Float, a Moby primitive data type.
 class MobyInteger
          An object representing an Integer, a Moby primitive data type.
 class MobyString
          An object representing a String, a Moby primitive data type.
 class MobyXref
          An object representing a cross reference.

Uses of MobyObject in org.biomoby.shared.parser

Methods in org.biomoby.shared.parser that return MobyObject
 MobyObject MobyJob.getData()
          Find and return the first data element of type Simple (which may not be the first data element in this job).
 MobyObject MobySimple.getData()
          Return the contents of this envelope.
 MobyObject MobyJob.getData(String name)
          Find and return a data element of a Simple type that is named by 'name'.
 MobyObject MobyJob.getData(String name, String dataTypeName)
          Find and return a data element of a Simple type that is named by 'name' and has data type 'dataTypeName'.
 MobyObject[] MobyJob.getDataSet()
          Find and return the first data element of type Collection (which may not be the first data element in this job).
 MobyObject[] MobyJob.getDataSet(int index)
          Find and return the 'index'-th data element, assuming that it is a Collection data element.
 MobyObject[] MobyJob.getDataSet(String name)
          Find and return a data element of a Collection type that is named by 'name'.
 MobyObject[] MobyJob.getDataSet(String name, String dataTypeName)
          Find and return a data element coming from a Collection type that is named by 'name' and has data type 'dataTypeName'.

Methods in org.biomoby.shared.parser with parameters of type MobyObject
 void MobyJob.addData(MobyObject data)
          Create an un-named Simple object and add it as the last one in the current data elements.
 void MobyJob.addData(MobyObject data, String name)
          Create a named Simple object and add it as the last one in the current data elements.
 void MobyJob.addDataSet(MobyObject[] data)
          Create an un-named Collection object and add it as the last one in the current data elements.
 void MobyJob.addDataSet(MobyObject[] data, String name)
          Create a named Collection object and add it as the last one in the current data elements.
 void MobyJob.setData(MobyObject data)
          Create an un-named Simple object as the first data element.
 void MobySimple.setData(MobyObject data)
          Fill this envelope with a Biomoby object.
 void MobyJob.setData(MobyObject data, String name)
          Create a named Simple object as the first data element.
 void MobyJob.setData(MobyObject data, String name, int index)
          Create a named Simple object and put it as the 'index'-th data element.
 void MobyJob.setDataSet(MobyObject[] data)
          Create an un-named Collection object as the first data element.
 void MobyJob.setDataSet(MobyObject[] data, String name)
          Create a named Collection object as the first data element.
 void MobyJob.setDataSet(MobyObject[] data, String name, int index)
          Create a named Collection object and put it as the 'index'-th data element.

Constructors in org.biomoby.shared.parser with parameters of type MobyObject
MobyPackage(MobyObject mObj, String articleName)
          Constructing a simplest MobyPackage - with one MobyObject.

Version: 1.1.1

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Generated: Sat May 29 04:26:35 EDT 2010