Secondary articles are defined by the MOBY-S specification as inputs to a service that are not part of the service signature, but affect the behaviour of the program. For example, a BLAST program may have a primary input article of "DNASequence", and we can search for services that take DNASequence as input. The service may handle BLASTing against any of several databases though: the target database could be configured through a secondary article (rather than creating 10 services for the 10 databases). A Secondary article may be of the folowing types:
Where ":[min,max]
" is optional, and if specified, either min
or max
can be excluded to produce
an unlimited range at one end. In the case of the String
secondary article type,
is instead interpreted as an enumeration of choices (see the example below).@mobyService(name="CoolBlast", type="PairwiseComparison", provider="", author="", in={"AminoAcidSequence"}, out={"BlastText"}, description={"BLAST against any of a number of protein databases"}, secondaryParams={ "db:String:nr:[swissprot,nr,pdb,uniprot]", "threshold:Float:1.0e-8:[0,100]", "hits:Integer:50:[1,200]", "filter:Boolean:true", "since:DateTime:2006-01-01:[1970-01-01,]", } ) public class MyBlastService extends MobyServlet{ // ...class code here... } |
In the processRequest
method you override, the MobyDataJob request
object contains both the primary and secondary parameters. MobyServlet guarantees that the values will be available, even if the client forgot to specify, or illegally specified a value (the default, or closest valid value is provided instead). Take the BLAST service as the example --
to retrieve a secondary of each type from the request:
public void processRequest(MobyDataJob request, MobyDataJob result) throws Exception{ MobySecondaryData secondary = (MobySecondaryData) request.get("db"); String targetDB = secondary.asString(); secondary = (MobySecondaryData) request.get("filter"); boolean filter = secondary.asBoolean(); secondary = (MobySecondaryData) request.get("threshold"); BigDecimal eValueCutoff = secondary.asFloat(); secondary = (MobySecondaryData) request.get("hits"); BigInteger numHitsToReport = secondary.asInteger(); secondary = (MobySecondaryData) request.get("since"); GregorianCalendar recordsUpdatedSince = secondary.asDateTime(); // ... rest of the processing... } |
protected variable in your subclass.
That variable is used to publish the signature RDF for the service. Note that
changes will not be immediate in MOBY Central (since it only checks the signature
once a day), but the changes are immediate for new requests.