Because Biomoby users often ask for examples of Biomoby input data, we created also a simple client that uses the DataTypeTreeTable component outside of the Dashboard. This program is called CreateMobyInput and there are command-line scripts to run it. Be aware, however, of its limitations (they are addresses fully in the Dashboard): no support for collections, and no support for secondary inputs (parameters).
This document describes this client.
Here is a screen-shot showing the DNASequenceWithGFFFeatures data type with few values already entered, and with few HAS members added:
Clicking on icons in the lines with HAS members allows:
Additionally, the primitive types have specialized editors for entering values:
For strings, you can also check the box in the column - and the string value
will be added to the resulting XML as a CDATA entity.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <moby:DNASequenceWithGFFFeatures xmlns:moby="" moby:id="" moby:namespace=""> <moby:BasicGFFSequenceFeature moby:id="" moby:namespace=""> <moby:multi_key_value_pair moby:id="" moby:namespace="" moby:articleName="column9_tag_value"> <moby:String moby:id="" moby:namespace="" moby:articleName="value">value2</moby:String> <moby:String moby:id="" moby:namespace="" moby:articleName="value">value1</moby:String> <moby:String moby:id="" moby:namespace="" moby:articleName="key">key1</moby:String> </moby:multi_key_value_pair> <moby:multi_key_value_pair moby:id="" moby:namespace="" moby:articleName="column9_tag_value"> <moby:String moby:id="" moby:namespace="" moby:articleName="value">value3</moby:String> <moby:String moby:id="" moby:namespace="" moby:articleName="key">key2</moby:String> </moby:multi_key_value_pair> <moby:Float moby:id="" moby:namespace="" moby:articleName="score">0.98</moby:Float> </moby:BasicGFFSequenceFeature> </moby:DNASequenceWithGFFFeatures>
Once you have jMoby on your computer, you can start it by typing:
build/run/run-create-input -help
There are really only two important options: One (even mandatory) is ether -data or -service. The former names a data type for which you wish to create input data, the latter gives a service name for the same purpose. By the way, in order to find what data types and/or service names are available you can use another jMoby (command-line) client:Usage: run-create-input -h[elp] run-create-input -data <data-type> [<moby-arguments>] [<other-arguments>] run-create-input -service <service> [<moby-arguments>] [<other-arguments>] where -data <gdata-type-name> specifyies for which data type an input should be created (e.g. -data FASTA) -service <gservice-name> specifyies for which service an input should be created (e.g. -service Mabuhay) One of these parameters must be specified. where <moby-arguments> specify what Moby registry to connect to -cachedir <dir> <dir> is a directory with cached entities of a Moby registry -e <URL> <URL> is an endpoint of a Moby registry (default: -uri <namespace> <namespace> is a URI defining Moby registry's namespace (default: where <other-arguments> are: -q ... quiet mode (prints only errors) (default) ... prints events what is happenning (to a log) -v ... verbose mode (prints also decorations)
See more details -ld build/run/run-cmdline-client -ls
The other important option -cachedir is not mandatory but without using local cache (of Biomoby data types definitions from a Biomoby registry) it will take ages to start. So it is very recommended.
You can find more about how to create such cache in advance using a CacheRegistryClient. But you do not need to - once a -cachedir option is used the cache is created (so the first time it takes longer) and next time it is simply re-used.