MOBY::Async::SimpleServer - a base class for simple Asynchronous MOBY Services
Former developer Enrique de Andres Saiz ( - INB GNHC-1 (Madrid Science Park, Spain) (2006-2007).
Maintainers Jose Maria Fernandez (, Jose Manuel Rodriguez ( - INB GN2 (CNIO, Spain).
Provides a simple class that can be extended to build file based asynchronous services. When submission, these services will just fork the a process, returning inmediately and leaving running the service in background. They store the state information in a file.
This class provides the WS-ResourceProperty and WS-ResourceLifetime methods required for Asynchronous MOBY Services:
GetResourceProperty GetMultipleResourceProperties
Additionally, this class provides other methods in order to carry up synchronous or asynchronous request of the service.
Name : sync Function : answers synchronous requests of asynchronous BioMOBY services; it tries to execute the service; if execution time exceeds a defined timeout, it returns a moby exception suggesting to invoke the service asynchronously. Usage : sub servicename { my $self = shift @_; return $self->sync($func, $timeout, @_); } Args : $func - the subroutine which carries out the service. $timeout - the allowed timeout in seconds. @_ - the parameters received from the client. Returns : a SOAP response containing a MOBY message.
Name : error Function : answers synchronous requests of asynchronous BioMOBY services; it just returns a moby exception indicating that the service must be invoked asynchronously. Usage : sub servicename { my $self = shift @_; return $self->error(@_); } Args : @_ - the parameters received from the client. Returns : a SOAP response containing a MOBY message.
Name : async Function : answers asynchronous requests of asynchronous BioMOBY services. Usage : sub servicename_submit { my $self = shift @_; return $self->async($func, @_); } Args : $func - the subroutine which carries out the service. @_ - the parameters received from the client. Returns : a SOAP response containing an EPR.