MOBY::Adaptor::moby::queryapi - An interface definition for MOBY Central underlying data-stores


 use MOBY::Adaptor::moby::queryapi::mysql  # implements this interface def
 my $m = MOBY::Adaptor::moby::queryapi::mysql->new(
    username => 'user',
    password => 'pass',
    dbname => 'mobycentral',
    port => '3306',
    sourcetype => 'DBD::mysql');
 my $objectid = $m->insert_object(
    {object_type => "MyObject"},
    {description => "this represents a foo bar"},
    {authority => ""},
    {contact_email, ''})


This is an interface definition. There is NO implementation in this module with the exception that certain calls to required parameters have get/setter functions in this module (that can be overridden)


Mark Wilkinson markw_at_ illuminae dot com Dennis Wang oikisai _at_ hotmail dot com BioMOBY Project:



 Title     :    new
 Usage     :    my $MOBY = MOBY::Client::Central->new(%args)
 Function  :    connect to one or more MOBY-Central
                registries for searching
 Returns   :    MOBY::Client::Central object
 Args      :    
 Notes     :


 Title     :    username
 Usage     :    my $un = $API->username($arg)
 Function  :    get/set username (if required)
 Returns   :    String (username)
 Args      :    String (username) - optional.


 Title     :    password
 Usage     :    my $un = $API->password($arg)
 Function  :    get/set password (if required)
 Returns   :    String (password)
 Args      :    String (password) - optional.


 Title     :    dbname
 Usage     :    my $un = $API->dbname($arg)
 Function  :    get/set dbname (if required)
 Returns   :    String (dbname)
 Args      :    String (dbname) - optional.


 Title     :    port
 Usage     :    my $un = $API->port($arg)
 Function  :    get/set port (if required)
 Returns   :    String (port)
 Args      :    String (port) - optional.


 Title     :    proxy
 Usage     :    my $un = $API->proxy($arg)
 Function  :    get/set proxy (if required)
 Returns   :    String (proxy)
 Args      :    String (proxy) - optional.


 Title     :    sourcetype
 Usage     :    my $un = $API->sourcetype($arg)
 Function  :    get/set string name of sourcetype (e.g. mySQL)
 Returns   :    String (sourcetype)
 Args      :    String (sourcetype) - optional.


 Title     :    driver
 Usage     :    my $un = $API->driver($arg)
 Function  :    get/set string name of DSI driver module (e.g. DBI:mySQL)
 Returns   :    String (driver)
 Args      :    String (driver) - optional.


 Title     :    url
 Usage     :    my $un = $API->url($arg)
 Function  :    get/set url (if required)
 Returns   :    String (url)
 Args      :    String (url) - optional.


 Title     :    dbh
 Usage     :    my $un = $API->dbh($arg)
 Function  :    get/set database handle (if required)
 Returns   :    Database handle in whatever object is appropriate for sourcetype
 Args      :    Database handle in whatever object is appropriate for sourcetype


 Title     :    query_collection_input
 Usage     :    my $un = $API->query_collection_input(%arg)
 Function  :    get the collection input information for a given service
 Args      :    service_lsid => String
 Returns   :    listref of hashrefs:
                [{collection_input_id => Integer
                  article_name        => String}, ...]
                one hashref for each collection that service consumes
 Notes     : the fact that it returns a collection_input_id is bad since this
             is only useful to an SQL-based API...


 Title     :    insert_collection_input
 Usage     :    my $un = $API->insert_collection_input(%args)
 Function  :    Inserts a Collection input into the database
 Args      :    article_name           => String,
                service_instance_lsid  => String,                               
 Returns   :    Integer insertid
 Notes     :    the fact that it returns an insertid is bad since this
                is only useful to an SQL-based API...


 Title     :    delete_collection_input
 Usage     :    my $un = $API->delete_collection_input(%args)
 Function  :    Deletes Collection inputs according to the service instance
 Args      :    service_instance_lsid => String,
 Returns   :    ($err, $errstr)
                $err = 1 if there was an delete error, 0 if successful
                $errstr = String error message if there was an error


 Title     :    query_collection_output
 Usage     :    my $un = $API->query_collection_output(%args)
 Function  :    Executes a query for Collection outputs according to the service instance
 Args      :    service_instance_lsid => String,                                
 Returns   :    listref of hashrefs:
                [{collection_output_id => Integer,
                article_name           => String,
                service_instance_id    => Integer}, ...]
 Notes     :    Only allows querying by lsid or type term, so service_instance_id is retrieved from lsid or term


 Title     :    insert_collection_output
 Usage     :    my $un = $API->insert_collection_output(%args)
 Function  :    Inserts a Collection output into the database
 Args      :    article_name           => String,
                service_instance_lsid  => String,                               
 Returns   :    Integer insertid
 Notes     :    the fact that it returns an insertid is bad since this
                is only useful to an SQL-based API...


 Title     :    delete_collection_output
 Usage     :    my $un = $API->delete_collection_output(%args)
 Function  :    Deletes Collection outputs according to the service instance
 Args      :    service_instance_lsid => String,
 Returns   :    ($err, $errstr)
                $err = 1 if there was an delete error, 0 if successful
                $errstr = String error message if there was an error


 Title     :    query_simple_input
 Usage     :    my $un = $API->query_simple_input(%args)
 Function  :    Executes a query for Simple inputs according to the service instance or collection output
 Args      :    service_instance_lsid => String,
                                collection_input_id  => Integer
 Returns   :    listref of hashrefs:
                [{simple_input_id        => Integer,
                object_type_uri          => String,
                namespace_type_uris      => String,
                article_name             => String,
                service_instance_id      => Integer,
                collection_input_id      => Integer}, ...]
 Notes     :    Only allows querying by lsid or type term, so service_instance_id is retrieved from lsid or term


 Title     :    insert_simple_input
 Usage     :    my $un = $API->insert_simple_input(%args)
 Function  :    Inserts a Simple input into the database
 Args      :    object_type_uri        => String,
                namespace_type_uris    => String,
                article_name           => String,
                service_instance_lsid  => String,
                collection_input_id    => Integer
 Returns   :    Integer insertid
 Notes     :    the fact that it returns an insertid is bad since this
                is only useful to an SQL-based API...


 Title     :    delete_simple_input
 Usage     :    my $un = $API->delete_simple_input(%args)
 Function  :    Deletes Simple inputs according to the service instance, or collection input
 Args      :    service_instance_lsid => String,
                collection_input_id   => Integer
 Returns   :    ($err, $errstr)
                $err = 1 if there was an delete error, 0 if successful
                $errstr = String error message if there was an error


 Title     :    query_simple_output
 Usage     :    my $un = $API->query_simple_output(%args)
 Function  :    Executes a query for Simple outputs according to the service instance or collection output
 Args      :    service_instance_lsid => String,
                collection_output_id  => Integer
 Returns   :    listref of hashrefs:
                [{simple_output_id       => Integer,
                object_type_uri          => String,
                namespace_type_uris      => String,
                article_name             => String,
                service_instance_id      => Integer,
                collection_output_id     => Integer}, ...]
 Notes     :    Only allows querying by lsid or type term, so service_instance_id is retrieved from lsid or term


 Title     :    insert_simple_output
 Usage     :    my $un = $API->insert_simple_output(%args)
 Function  :    Inserts a Simple output into the database
 Args      :    object_type_uri        => String,
                namespace_type_uris    => String,
                article_name           => String,
                service_instance_lsid  => String,
                collection_output_id   => Integer
 Returns   :    Integer insertid
 Notes     :    the fact that it returns an insertid is bad since this
                is only useful to an SQL-based API...


 Title     :    delete_simple_output
 Usage     :    my $un = $API->delete_simple_output(%args)
 Function  :    Deletes Simple outputs according to the service instance, or collection output
 Args      :    service_instance_lsid => String,
                collection_output_id  => Integer
 Returns   :    ($err, $errstr)
                $err = 1 if there was an delete error, 0 if successful
                $errstr = String error message if there was an error


 Title     :    query_secondary_input
 Usage     :    my $un = $API->query_secondary_input(%args)
 Function  :    Executes a query for Secondary input articles in the database
 Args      :    service_instance_lsid => String
 Returns   :    listref of hashrefs:
                [{secondary_input_id => Integer,
                default_value        => String,
                maximum_value        => Float,
                minimum_value        => Float,
                enum_value           => String,
                datatype             => String,
                article_name         => String,
                service_instance_id  => Integer}, ...]
 Notes     :    Only allows querying by lsid or type term, so service_instance_id is retrieved from lsid or term


 Title     :    insert_secondary_input
 Usage     :    my $un = $API->insert_secondar_input(%args)
 Function  :    Inserts a Secondary input into the database
 Args      :    default_value             => String,
                maximum_value             => Float,
                minimum_value             => Float,
                enum_value                => String,
                datatype                  => String,
                article_name              => String,
                service_instance_lsid     => String
 Returns   :    Integer insertid
 Notes     :    the fact that it returns an insertid is bad since this
                is only useful to an SQL-based API...


 Title     :    delete_secondary_input
 Usage     :    my $un = $API->delete_secondary_input(%args)
 Function  :    Deletes a Secondary input from the database
 Args      :    service_instance_lsid => String 
 Returns   :    ($err, $errstr)
                $err = 1 if there was an delete error, 0 if successful
                $errstr = String error message if there was an error


 Title     :    query_object
 Usage     :    my $un = $API->query_object(%args)
 Function  :    Executes a query for objects in the database
 Args      :    type => String - lsid or a term identifying a particular object
 Returns   :    listref of hashrefs:
                [{object_id       => Integer,
                object_lsid       => String,
                object_type       => String,
                description       => String,
                authority         => String,
                contact_email     => String}, ...]
 Notes     :    Only allows querying by lsid or type term


 Title     :    insert_object
 Usage     :    my $un = $API->insert_object(%args)
 Function  :    Inserts an object into the database
 Args      :    object_type   => String, 
                object_lsid   => String, 
                description   => String, 
                authority     => String,
                contact_email => String
 Returns   :    Integer insertid
 Notes     :    the fact that it returns an insertid is bad since this
                is only useful to an SQL-based API...


 Title     :    delete_object
 Usage     :    my $un = $API->delete_object(%args)
 Function  :    Deletes an object and any relationships it has from the database
 Args      :    type => String - lsid or term identifying a particular object
 Returns   :    ($err, $errstr)
                $err = 1 if there was an delete error, 0 if successful
                $errstr = String error message if there was an error


 Title     :    query_object_term2term
 Usage     :    my $un = $API->query_object_term2term(%args)
 Function  :    Executes a query for object relationships in the database
 Args      :    type => String - lsid or a term identifying a particular object
 Returns   :    listref of hashrefs:
                [{assertion_id      => Integer,
                relationship_type   => String,
                object1_id          => String,
                  object2_id        => String,
                object2_articlename => String}, ...]
 Notes     :    Only allows querying by lsid or type term


 Title     :    insert_object_term2term
 Usage     :    my $un = $API->insert_object_term2term(%args)
 Function  :    Inserts an object relationship into the database
 Args      :    relationship_type       => String, 
                object1_id              => String,
                object2_id              => String,
                object2_articlename     => String
 Returns   :    Integer insertid
 Notes     :    the fact that it returns an insertid is bad since this
                is only useful to an SQL-based API...


 Title     :    query_service_instance
 Usage     :    my $un = $API->query_service_instance(%args)
 Function  :    Executes a query for service instances in the database
 Args      :    0 or more:
                service_instance_id              => Integer 
                category                         => String 
                servicename                      => String 
                service_type_uri                 => String 
                'authority.authority_uri'        => String - IMPORTANT notice use of quotes to avoid conflict with perl special operator '.' 
                url                              => String 
                'service_instance.contact_email' => String - Again IMPORTANT use of quotes
                authoritative                    => Integer 
                description                      => String 
                signatureURL                     => String
                lsid                             => String 
 Returns   :    listref of hashrefs:
                [{service_instance_id          => Integer, 
                category                       => String, 
                servicename                    => String, 
                service_type_uri               => String, 
                authority.authority_uri        => String, 
                url                            => String, 
                service_instance.contact_email => String, 
                authoritative                  => Integer, 
                description                    => String, 
                signatureURL                   => String,
                lsid                           => String}, ...]
 Notes     :    Allows querying by multiple conditions joined by 'and'


 Title     :    query_service_existence
 Usage     :    my $un = $API->query_service_existence(%args)
 Function  :    Executes a query to check if the service exists in the database
 Args      :    servicename   => String
                authority_uri => String                                 
 Returns   :    1 if service exists
                0 if no such service instance
 Notes     :    Only allows querying by URI of the authority and service name


 Title     :    insert_service_instance
 Usage     :    my $un = $API->insert_service_instance(%args)
 Function  :    Inserts a service instance into the database
 Args      :    category         => String,
                servicename      => String,
                service_type_uri => String,
                authority_uri    => String,
                url              => String,
                contact_email    => String, 
                authoritative    => Integer,
                description      => String,
                signatureURL     => String,
                lsid             => String
 Returns   :    Integer insertid
 Notes     :    the fact that it returns an insertid is bad since this
                is only useful to an SQL-based API...


 Title     :    delete_service_instance
 Usage     :    my $un = $API->delete_service_instance(%args)
 Function  :    Deletes a service instance from the database
 Args      :    service_instance_lsid => String 
 Returns   :    ($err, $errstr)
                $err = 1 if there was an delete error, 0 if successful
                $errstr = String error message if there was an error


 Title     :    query_authority
 Usage     :    my $un = $API->query_authority(%args)
 Function  :    Executes a query for authorities in the database
 Args      :    authority_uri => String
 Returns   :    listref of hashrefs:
                [{authority_common_name => String,
                authority_uri                   => String,
                contact_email                   => String}, ...]
 Notes     :    Only allows querying by URI of the authority


 Title     :    get_all_authorities
 Usage     :    my $un = $API->get_all_authorities()
 Function  :    Gets all unique authority URIs from the database
 Args      :    no arguments
 Returns   :    listref of hashrefs:
                [{authority_uri => String}]


 Title     :    insert_authority
 Usage     :    my $un = $API->insert_authority(%args)
 Function  :    Inserts an authority into the database
 Args      :    authority_common_name => String,
                authority_uri         => String,
                contact_email         => String
 Returns   :    Integer insertid
 Notes     :    the fact that it returns an insertid is bad since this
                is only useful to an SQL-based API...


 Title     :    query_service
 Usage     :    my $un = $API->query_service(%args)
 Function  :    Executes a query for service class
 Args      :    type => String - either service_type or service_lsid
 Returns   :    listref of hashrefs:
                [{service_id  => Integer, 
                service_lsid  => String,
                service_type  => String,
                description   => String,
                authority     => String,
                contact_email => String}, ...]
 Notes     :    the fact that it returns an service_id is bad since this
                is only useful to an SQL-based API...


 Title     :    insert_service
 Usage     :    my $un = $API->insert_service(%args)
 Function  :    Inserts a service class into the database
 Args      :    service_type  => String,
                service_lsid  => String,
                description   => String,
                authority     => String,
                contact_email => String
 Returns   :    Integer insertid
 Notes     :    the fact that it returns an insertid is bad since this
                is only useful to an SQL-based API...


 Title     :    delete_service
 Usage     :    my $un = $API->delete_service(%args)
 Function  :    Deletes a service from the database
 Args      :    service_lsid => String 
 Returns   :    ($err, $errstr)
                $err = 1 if there was an delete error, 0 otherwise
                $errstr = String error message if there was an error


 Title     :    query_service_term2term
 Usage     :    my $un = $API->query_service_term2term(%args)
 Function  :    Executes a query for service relationships
 Args      :    type => String - either service_type or service_lsid
 Returns   :    listref of hashrefs:
                [{assertion_id    => Integer,
                relationship_type => String,
                service1_id       => String,
                service2_id       => String}, ...]
 Notes     :    the fact that it returns an service ids is bad since this
                is only useful to an SQL-based API...should return lsids


 Title     :    insert_service_term2term
 Usage     :    my $un = $API->insert_service_term2term(%args)
 Function  :    Inserts a service relationship
 Args      :    relationship_type => String, 
                service1_type     => String,
                service2_type     => String
 Returns   :    Integer insertid
 Notes     :    the fact that it returns an insertid is bad since this
                is only useful to an SQL-based API...


 Title     :    query_relationship
 Usage     :    my $un = $API->query_relationship(%args)
 Function  :    Executes a query for a relationship in an ontology
 Args      :    type     => String,
                ontology => String
 Returns   :    listref of hashrefs:
                [{relationship_id => Integer,
                relationship_lsid => String,
                relationship_type => String,
                container         => Integer,
                description       => String,
                authority         => String,
                contact_email     => String,
                ontology          => String}, ...]
                one hashref for each relationship
 Notes     : the fact that it returns a relationship_id is bad since this
             is only useful to an SQL-based API...


 Title     :    query_namespace
 Usage     :    my $un = $API->query_namespace(%args)
 Function  :    Executes a query for namespace instances in the database
 Args      :    type => String - either lsid or term for a particular namespace
 Returns   :    listref of hashrefs:
                [{namespace_id => Integer,
                namespace_lsid => String,
                namespace_type => String,
                description    => String,
                authority      => String,
                contact_email  => String}, ...]


 Title     :    insert_namespace
 Usage     :    my $un = $API->insert_namespace(%args)
 Function  :    Deletes a namespace instance from the database
 Args      :    namespace_type => String,
                namespace_lsid => String,
                description    => String, 
                authority      => String,
                contact_email  => String
 Returns   :    Integer insertid
 Notes     :    the fact that it returns an insertid is bad since this
                is only useful to an SQL-based API...


 Title     :    delete_namespace
 Usage     :    my $un = $API->delete_namespace(%args)
 Function  :    Deletes a namespace instance from the database
 Args      :    type => String - lsid or namespace term identifying a particular namespace
 Returns   :    ($err, $errstr)
                $err = 1 if there was an delete error, 0 otherwise
                $errstr = String error message if there was an error


 Title     :    query_namespace_term2term
 Usage     :    my $un = $API->query_namespace_term2term(%args)
 Function  :    Execute a query for namespaces_term2term
 Args      :    type => String - namespace_type you are checking for
 Returns   :    listref of hashrefs:
                [{assertion_id    => Integer,
                relationship_type => String,
                namespace1_id     => String,
                namespace2_id     => String}, ...]
 Notes     :    namespace1_id and namespace2_id will be lsids


 Title     :    check_object_usage
 Usage     :    my $un = $API->check_object_usage(%args)
 Function  :    Execute a custom query for objects that are used by some service
 Args      :    type => String - either namespace_lsid or namespace_term 
 Returns   :    a list:
                ($err, $errstr)
                $err = 1 if namespace is used by a service, 0 otherwise
                $errstr = contains the error message


 Title     :    check_namespace_usage
 Usage     :    my $un = $API->check_namespace_usage(%args)
 Function  :    Execute a custom query for namespaces that are used by some service
 Args      :    type => String - either namespace_lsid or namespace_term 
 Returns   :    a list:
                ($err, $errstr)
                $err = 1 if namespace is used by a service, 0 otherwise
                $errstr = contains the error message


 Title     :    check_keywords
 Usage     :    my $un = $API->check_keywords(%args)
 Function  :    Execute a custom query for services with keywords in its description
 Args      :    keywords => listref (of keywords)
 Returns   :    listref of hashrefs:
                [{service_instance_id => Integer,
                category              => String, 
                servicename           => String, 
                service_type_uri      => String, 
                authority_id          => Integer, 
                url                   => String, 
                contact_email         => String, 
                authoritative         => String, 
                description           => String, 
                signatureURL          => String, 
                lsid                  => String}, ...]
                Each hash represents a service
 Notes     :    the fact that it returns a service_instance_id is bad since this
                is only useful to an SQL-based API...
                Keywords are assumed to be joined by "OR" for the query


 Title     :    find_by_simple
 Usage     :    my $un = $API->find_by_simple(%args)
 Function  :    Execute a custom query for service ids in simple_input/output
 Args      :    inout           => String - to specify if input or output
                ancestor_string => String - values that occur in object_type_uri
                namespaceURIs   => array-ref - reference to an array of namespace URIs
 Returns   :    listref of hashrefs:
                [{service_instance_id => Integer,
                namespace_type_uris   => String}, ...]
 Notes     :    the fact that it returns a service_instance_id is bad since this
                is only useful to an SQL-based API...


 Title     :    find_by_collection
 Usage     :    my $un = $API->find_by_collection(%args)
 Function  :    Execute a custom query for service ids from collections
 Args      :    inout         => String - to specify if input or output
                objectURI     => String - value that binds to object_type_uri
                namespaceURIs => array-ref - reference to an array of namespace URIs
 Returns   :    listref of hashrefs:
                [{service_instance_id => Integer,
                namespace_type_uris   => String}, ...]
 Notes     :    the fact that it returns a service_instance_id is bad since this
                is only useful to an SQL-based API...


 Title     :    get_service_names
 Usage     :    my $un = $API->get_service_names(%args)
 Function  :    Execute a query for all service names
 Args      :    no inputs needed
 Returns   :    listref of hashrefs:
                [{authority_uri => String,
                servicename     => String}, ...]
                one hashref for each service


 Title     :    get_parent_terms
 Usage     :    my $un = $API->get_parent_terms(%args)
 Function  :    From a given term, traverse the ontology and get all parent terms
 Args      :    relationship_type_id => Integer - a bind value for relationship_type_id on an underlying SQL-based data source
                term                 => String - bindvalue for OntologyEntry.term
 Returns   :    listref of hashrefs:
                [{term => String}, ...]
                one hashref for each parent


 Title     :    get_object_relationships
 Usage     :    my $un = $API->get_object_relationships(%args)
 Function  :    Execute a query for objects that have relationships with other objects
 Args      :    type => String - either an object name or LSID
 Returns   :    listref of hashrefs:
                [{relationship_type => String,
                object_type         => String,
                object_lsid         => String,
                description         => String,
                authority           => String,
                contact_email       => String,
                object2_articlename => String}, ...]
                one hashref for each relationship between two objects
 Notes     :    relationship_type from object_term2term, object_lsid from object, and object2_articlename from object_term2term


 Title     :    get_relationship
 Usage     :    my $un = $API->get_relationship(%args)
 Function  :    Execute a query for a relationship between two ontologies
 Args      :    direction    => String - direction in the ontology (eg. 'root')
                ontology     => String - name of the table ontology
                term         => String - a bind value for lsid
                relationship => String - a bind value for relationship_type
 Returns   :    reference to array containing array-refs representing the result set:
                [[String lsid, String relationship_type], ...]
                each array-ref represents one row
 Notes     :    Only returns distinct lsids from $ontology and relationship_type from $ontology_term2term


 Title     :    get_all_relationships
 Usage     :    my $un = $API->get_all_relationships(%args)
 Function  :    Execute a query for all relationships represented in $ontology_term2term
 Args      :    direction    => String - direction in the ontology (either 'root' or 'leaves')
                ontology     => String - name of the table ontology
 Returns   :    reference to hash with the following structure:
                $resultHash->{String relationship_type}->{Integer key_entity_id} = <VALUE>
                The structure of <VALUE> depends on relationship_type and direction:
                HAS/HASA    :
                   <VALUE> = @([Integer value_entity_id, String articleName, Integer assertion_id])
                ISA, leaves :
                   <VALUE> = @(Integer value_entity_id)
                ISA, root   :
                   <VALUE> = Integer value_entity_id
 Notes     :    The hash is built 'direction-aware', that is for
                - root  : key_entity_id = ${ontology}1_id, value_entity_id = ${ontology}2_id
                - leaves: key_entity_id = ${ontology}2_id, value_entity_id = ${ontology}1_id
                The structure of the result hash is a bit complex because it is specifically
                designed for usage by MOBY::OntolgyServer::Relationships
                The result hash contains the entire table ${ontology}_term2term in order to
                reduce DB interaction in the ontology exploration


 Title     :    get_deails_for_id_list
 Usage     :    my $un = $API->get_all_relationships($ontology, $field_list, $id_list)
 Function  :    Retrieve details specified in @$field_list from $ontology for ids in @$id_list
 Args      :    $ontology   => String - name of the table ontology
                $field_list => Reference to array of Strings representing table fields in $ontology
                $id_list    => Reference to array of Integers representing ${ontology}_ids
 Returns   :    reference to hash with the following structure:
                $resultHash->{Integer ${ontology}_id}->{String field_name} = field_value
 Notes     :    This function is generic with respect to which details (fields) are retrieved, but
                is restricted to those tables whose name is identical to the ontology name (i.e.
                currently 'object', 'service', 'namespace' and 'relationship')
                Makes use of the 'select ... from ... where ... in (<LIST>)' statement syntax
                in order to reduce the number of DB interactions
                Used in MOBY::OntologyServer::Relationships, but maybe useful for other purposes...