%@ page info="Moby Central Servlets"%>
Update SignatureURLs For your
BioMoby Services - Form that aids in the updating of SignatureURLs. This
returns valid RDF upon successfully updating your signatureURL.s
Client LSID Resolver - Resolve LSIDs to metadata
To use this servlet, pass the parameter lsid, that is a valid LSID.
As an example invocation, click here.
RDFGenerator - Retrieve the RDF representation for your BioMoby Service.
This servlet takes in the following parameters:
As an example invocation, click here.
- name - the name of your service
- auth - the service providers authority URI
- url - an optional mobycentral registry endpoint to use when generating your RDF
- uri - an optional mobycentral registry namespace to use when generating your RDF
RDF Agent Test - Invoke the RDF agent on the remote location that houses your RDF.
<% boolean validate = false; String valString = System.getProperty("DO_SERVICE_VALIDATION"); if (valString != null && valString.trim().length() != 0) { validate = Boolean.parseBoolean(valString); } if (validate) { %>This servlets takes as parameter, url, the url to test the agent with.
As an example, click here.
For a form based page, click here.
CallableServiceServlet - Use this to determine whether or not a particular service(s) is reachable.
<% } %>This servlet takes in the following parameters:
- service - the name of your service <optional>
- authority - the service providers authority URI <optional>
- getStats - Whether or not to show some statistics <optional> - set parameter to true to see stats
As an example, click here to see a report for all services.
In addition, to see a report for services by the authority bioinfo.icapture.ubc.ca, click here.
To see a list of unreachable services sorted by service provider, click here.
To see some stats regarding the percent of alive services, click here.
Finally, to see whether the service, getGoTerm, by the authority bioinfo.icapture.ubc.ca is alive, click here.
LSID Resolver Client - Using AJAX, retrieve metadata that describes Moby Ontologies..
As an example, click here.
LSID Resolver Client 2 - Resolve LSIDs to data and or metadata..
As an example, click here.
The Resources 'Scripts' - Servlets that return the RDF representations of the BioMOBY ontologies.
For example,
The Types 'Scripts' - Servlets that perform data dumps for the ontologies in a structured manner.
For example,