Index of /CVS_CONTENT/moby-live/Java/src/main/org/biomoby/shared/schema/

NameLast ModifiedSize
UpParent Directory
Directoryexample2016-09-21 16:18-
FileBuilder.java2006-02-20 05:51 33k
FileFrame.java2005-10-12 17:13 4k
FileGenericWindowListener.java2005-10-12 17:13 1k
FileMainGUI.java2008-03-03 14:28 1k
FileMElement.java2005-11-20 12:30 4k
FileMElementHashtable.java2005-10-12 17:13 2k
FilePrimitiveVector.java2005-10-12 17:13 4k
FileRdfParser.java2005-09-06 21:29 9k
FileServiceInstanceWSDL.java2006-02-20 05:51 5k
1. The limit of the generator: It works for most object. However, if in the same level of XML document representing a moby object(described object), the following situation happens: 1. there are some moby objects having the same name; and 2. one object has a has relation with the described object; and 3. the other object with the same name has a hasa relation with the describe object. In the above special circumanstance, the object in the has relation can not appear more than once. For example, multi_key_value_pair moby object has a has relation with string object with article name of "value"; also, thhis object has a hasa relation with string object with article of "key". A schema generated by the generator can only valid the first XML document, and can not valid the second xml document. The first xml document for multi_key_value_pair moby object: <?xml version="1.0" > <multi_key_value_pair namespace="" id="" articleName=""> <string namespace="" id="" articleName="value"/> <string namespace="" id="" articleName="key"/> </multi_key_value_pair> The second xml document for multi_key_value_pair moby object: <?xml version="1.0"> <multi_key_value_pair namespace="" id="" articleName=""> <string namespace="" id="" articleName="value"/> <string namespcae="" id="" articleName="value"/> <string namespace="" id="" articleName="key"/> </multi_key_value_pair> 2. Jar files needed you may need these jar files to complier the java codes. Most of them already exits in the moby java library. You may need to download other ones. After get the jar files, set correct class path for those jar files. activation.jar adenine.jar alltools.jar ant_home axis-ant.jar axis.jar commons-discovery.jar commons-logging.jar concurrent.jar icu4j.jar jakarta-oro-2.0.5.jar jarList.txt jax-1_1-fr-qname-class.jar jaxen-core.jar jaxen-jdom.jar jaxrpc-1_1-fr-spec-api.jar jaxrpc.jar jdom.jar jena.jar junit.jar log4j-1.2.4.jar lsid-client-1.1.2.jar lsid-server-1.1.2.jar mail.jar moby.jar mysql-connector-java-3.1.7-bin.jar rdf-api-2001-01-19.jar README saaj.jar saxpath.jar servlet.jar taverna.jar wsdl4j.jar xalan.jar xercesImpl.jar xercesSamples.jar xml-apis.jar xmlParserAPIs.jar 3. How to run it A. set classpath for the package B. complie the Java code: make C. there are two ways to run a. using GUI: java org.biomoby.shared.mobyxml.schema.MainGUI in the textfield of the frame, type the name of moby object b. using command line to input moby object name: replace nameOfMobyObject with an exact moby object name java org.biomoby.shared.mobyxml.schema.Builder nameOfMobyObject 4. In the example foler, we include some xml document for moby objects ,and xml schema for the moby object generated by the generator.
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