It contains components that are used from more than one (other)
packages. The bottom-line (or a bottom-rule) is: If one wants to run
clients, it must be sufficent for him to pack all classes from {@link
org.biomoby.client} and from this package only. If one wants to create
a registry oriented component, it is enough for him to pack
org.biomoby.registry and this package. And similarly for service
providers which would pack org.biomoby.service and again this
Additionally this is a good place for putting here Java interfaces -
assuming that they are expected to be used more generally. The
cornerstone piece is the interface {@link org.biomoby.shared.Central}
that defines how to access Moby registry without any knowledge of the
used transport protocol (SOAP, XML, etc.). This interface uses several
container classes representing pieces of the Moby mosaic.
Talking about a mosaic, it looks sometimes confusing what data
containers we have here (and in sub-packages). Let's try to briefly
explain them:
- The data containers located directly here (in
org.biomoby.shared package, for example {@link
org.biomoby.shared.MobyService MobyService}) were designed to carry
information to and from Biomoby registries. Their names are a bit
misnomer because they can be easily confused with similar data
containers carrying real data to the Biomoby service
- The {@link} package deals with data
containers travelling between clients and Biomoby service
providers. They were designed by Paul Gordon and their usage is best
explain in the Simple client document. The main idea is that the
same data types are used for all services because they are designed
as general as possible (its is a loosely-typed
- The {@link org.biomoby.shared.datatypes} is similar to the
previous one because it also contains containers for data exchange
between the clients and Biomoby service providers. It was created by
Martin Senger and its primary purpose is to be a part of code
generators (see details in the Moses document. The package here has only primitive
data types, but a data type generator is able to fill-in hundreds of
data types from Biomoby registries - so developers can use
strongly-typed approach.
- The package {@link org.biomoby.shared.parser} is closely
related to the previous one because it provides Biomoby envelopes for
data types defined in {@link org.biomoby.shared.datatypes}. It has
classes for Biomoby Simples and Collections - where inside can sit
containers from the previous package. Additionally, it has a Biomoby
parser that can fill these containers from an XML.