The Seahawk MOBY Data Display

How does Seahawk display MOBY Data?

Seahawk converts raw MOBY XML into HTML suitable for display in a javax.swing.JEditorPane. This conversion is done using an XSLT processor (discovered at run-time using the JAX-T API), and an XSLT stylesheet.


What are the conventions used in the HTML file?

The default stylesheet can be seen here.

The conventions used are:

How do I override the default stylesheet?

The default stylesheet loaded by Seahawk come from the resource "docs/moby2HTML.xsl". This resource is in the Seahawk JAR file, and it could be updated using the Java Development Kit (JDK) JAR utilities. An easier way to change the default mappings file is to set the system property seahawk.stylesheet. For example, on the command line:

java -Dseahawk.stylesheet=path/to/newstylesheet.xsl -jar seahawk.jar
or in your program code, before creating the MobyClient:

Paul Gordon
Last modified: Tue Apr 25 21:01:39 MDT 2006