BioMOBY Registry Servlets

The BioMOBY registry servlets are a required install for all you wishing to host your very own BioMOBY registry. These servlets contain the code that is used to retrieve information regarding the ontologies in RDF format, code for generating RDF that is served to the service providers upon successful service registration, an LSID resolution authority, and much more.

The following is a list of items contained in this release:

    1. RESOURCES 'script' - a servlet that is used to generate RDF dumps for the Object, Namespace, Service Type, and Service Instance ontologies.
    2. Types 'script' - a servlet that is used to generate textual dumps for the Object, Namespace and Service Type ontologies.
    3. LSID Authority Servlet - a servlet that is used to resolve*, LSIDs to metadata.
    4. Service Tester Servlet - a servlet that periodically 'pings' the services contained in the registry to determine whether or not the services URL are resolvable.
    5. RDFAgent Validator - a servlet that can be used to test whether your installation of the agent was successful, or to test an RDF document that describes your services for syntactical errors.
    6. LSID client web applications that can be used to resolve LSIDs. One of these applications uses AJAX and provides auto complete functionality.
This document is broken down into the following sections:


Installing the Servlets

Installing the servlets is extremely straight-forward and quite easy. You have 2 choices for installation: use a graphical installer or build your own installation using the latest codebase.

A. Using the Installer:

      1. Download the installation file from

      2. From the command line, enter the following command
        java -jar install.jar

        A GUI should result that will guide you through the installation process.

      3. You're done! Now all you have to do is configure your newly installed servlets.

B. Building your own installation from the cvs

      1. Please familiarize yourself with the information here for getting and building jMOBY from the cvs.

      2. From the command line, enter the following command from a *nix box
        ant bindist-registry
      3. Once the build is complete, a zip file will be located at /moby-live/Java/build/registry_servlets called Unzip this file into the webapps directory of Tomcat or other J2EE container.

      4. You're done. All that is left for you to do is configure the newly installed servlets.

Configuring Your Servlets

To Configure the servlets, you must know the following details regarding your local registry:

Testing Your Servlets

Once you have installed and configured the servlets, you can determine if the install was successful by attempting to resolve the following URL:

where is the domain name of the server that the servlets were installed on and your_port is the server port.

The resulting page will outline those servlets that are included in this distribution and will provide you with links to test them.

Edward A Kawas
Last modified: Thu Feb 14 15:03:17 2008