Eclipse and known errors

It might happen that after setting up Eclipse it still complains for some reasons. Sometimes it complains it cant build the project due to build path errors, sometimes dashboard does not start and sometimes the maven plugin complains that Eclipse is working on a JRE and not on a JDK (this are the errors which we encountered so far).

Basically there are .... things you have to make sure:

  1. Check in Eclipse Window -> Preferences -> Java -> Installed JREs if your selected JRE points to the JRE inside your JDK installation
  2. Check your JAVA_HOME system variable that this points also to your JDK installation not to a JRE installation
In some cases Eclipse is ignorant about what you set as system variable and still uses the wrong Java installation (the first point mentioned above should actually solve that). If after the two points still you get errors try to start your Eclipse with the following parameters:

-vmargs -Djava.home=path/tou/your/jdk/jre

After all these changes make sure to right-click on the project Maven -> Disable Dependency Management and afterwards (Eclipse will rebuild the workspace) enable the dependencies again.

Now should be free of errors. If any error is still displayed dont hesitate to write to the mailing list so we can figure that out :-)
Andreas Groscurth
Last modified: Thu Feb 21 19:43:36 2008