Must be done: ------------- * BUG: the BuildDataTree does not paint itself always well * Not yet ready: Undeploy: too many messages... * Still sometimes 'deploy' reports and empty error and a null pointer in the logfile (restart dashboard helps but it should be solved better) * Property (selected service) DP_SC_SERVICE is not always updated. * Support for collections in the 'create input' (Simple Client) Should be done: --------------- * Dashborad should have a way to create/show XML data representing a data type *before* there is a service registered that uses such data * right-click - if nothing selected, it should take what is under the mouse (selected first), otherwise it is annoying * More testing: - interrupting loading - different order of panels - loading without caching * interrupting Ant tasks + progress bar in a status bar * ParemetersTable: - Float field is not verified for non-numeric chars * Service Input Data - should deal also with input Collections - and (perhaps?) to allow entering a more specific data type Could be done: -------------- * SimpleClient: possibility to set also a sevice name (good for debugging and for not yet registered, or registered elsewhere, services). * apply platform-specific properties to get native L&F (e.g. for Mac) * use styled JTextPane for CommonConsole (to red mark error messages) * confirmation before registering; separate "load from XML" and "register" perhaps? - or having actually there an editor that allows to change the XML and then to click its button "register" * manage/export/import user preferences * more attention for the various encodings * Service Input Data starts now always empty. It would be nice to have it initialized from an XML (but that would required generated data types which are not needed now...). This would lead to richer user preferences in the SimpleClientPanel. * update BaseCmdLineClient to use ExtendedServiceLocator and ExtendedProtocolClient * Added "Recently selected services" to SimpleClientPanel (the code is already there but commented-out because it intervenes badly with selecting services from other places...; must be re-thought) ? some of the notification stuff can inherit from property change stuff ? move help system to Java Help; more contextual help ? Possible new panels: - verify registry - browsing in graphs - RDF resources ? more SimpleClientPanels in the same time - each for an individual service Probably fixed: --------------- * [Probably fixed, needs more testing] MAJOR BUG: synchronization problem when starting; revised it! - perhaps singletons for registry model and for workers there TODO in general utils: alltools2: --------------------------------- - document their API somewhere - JTextFieldWithHistory should remember also an empty value ("") - combo box history is not updated if exit happened while focus is still in the text field ? use FileSystemView in file choosers * BUG: not sure why so many (repeated) changes from the actionlistener in JFieldTextWithHistory * SwingUtils can be simplified (closeOnExit etc.) - JFileChooserWithHistory - its method getSelectedFile() should reflect also what is entered in the text field; also it can have getText()? - redesigned FileUtils with respect to Apache commons-io libraries and with respect to using charsets/encoding (perhaps) - probably a bug: when calling createIcon with null path (there are two method with the same signature in such case) - new methods in BaseService (HTTP request) should be based on SOAPToolkit Not classified in any above: ---------------------------- ? read from prefs and update the service tree in generator panel * SimpleAnt - interactive input (finish or remove) ? use PopupFactory * Data table: when selecting by clikcing on namespace, the new inputs are not immediately visible... * clean-up DashboardProperties: unified event and preference names * on Both: should check first that a service is selected * external browser: --- interesting: If you are interested in detecting either double-click events or when a user clicks on a node, regardless of whether or not it was selected, we recommend you do the following: final JTree tree = ...; MouseListener ml = new MouseAdapter() { public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) { int selRow = tree.getRowForLocation(e.getX(), e.getY()); TreePath selPath = tree.getPathForLocation(e.getX(), e.getY()); if(selRow != -1) { if(e.getClickCount() == 1) { mySingleClick(selRow, selPath); } else if(e.getClickCount() == 2) { myDoubleClick(selRow, selPath); } } } }; tree.addMouseListener(ml);